Sunday, December 12, 2021

High Wind Warning

Yesterday we literally hunkered in and did nothing but watch movies, and sip hot coffee.  My husband baked some no-bake cookies.

The wind gusts were anywhere up to 60mph.  Although the temperature was in the low 60's, it was not conducive to outdoor anything.

My ankle is a bit better, but still sore.  No one answered my question about dried comfrey, so I went online and dug into my herbal books and made several poultices (update on that later).

I located a person who makes handmade kitchen tools.  I emailed him, but have not gotten a response.  Hopefully I will hear from him soon.  I hope my email didn't go into his "junk" mail.

The glass cutter called me.  He wanted to make sure the cost was okay before he special ordered the glass for the wood stove door.  The prices have gone up 4 times he said over the last year alone.  What cost us under $50 will now cost us $138.78, and it will take much longer to get the glass.  I get so frustrated with this. 

My crafting sales are at the bottom lowest.  I put 17 sets of pot holders up on a social media page.  I got zero sales.  It's my go-do (travel) project, and apparently I have made a lot of sets.  They went back into a storage container, and I will be changing my "go-to" crochet project to another item.

As many people get new, higher paying jobs and sign on bonuses, my husband's salary remains the same, and no bonus for working thru the pandemic.  It's absolutely depressing and frustrating (and why we are not buying gifts not putting up a tree in the living room this year).  I'm usually really excited about Christmas, doing baking, candy making, wrapping gifts, decorating the house and what not.  Not this year.  

I'm still working on the handmade gifts for the two younger daughters (with what I have on hand).  The other kids don't even come around or stay in touch any more.

I sort of feel like that scene in Little House on the Prairie, where they are all hiding in places to make handmade gifts for Christmas.

I don't hear the wind this morning, so I am hoping for a much better weather day, and praying for all those who suffered devastation over the last few days (tornadoes).


  1. One day I hope to learn needlepoint or hand embroidery (it's called so many different things these days ). I have got panels for a crocheted blanket I've had now for three years. I've got to dig them out and put them together.

  2. Kristina, I wish you were feeling better, but please know that you have gifted many with this blog and for that I “thank you” and wish you and your family a blessed holiday season. The world is changing and while you have embraced that change in gift giving, many have not. Your lifestyle will make your whole family and us that read your blog appreciate more the blessings that we do have. From Hershey, PA, stay safe and God bless. Robin

  3. I understand. I am seeing a need for joy everywhere I turn.

  4. Hi Kristina - public demand for hand crafted items does change over time. Perhaps hats, scarves and mittens??

  5. Tracy, be sure to share your blanket when you finish it.

  6. Debby, thanks for the suggestions. I think I will do a yarn check and work on something different.


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