Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Making Adjustments . . .

I'm getting used to a different routine, but not by choice.  The boot definitely helps my foot, but at night when it's off my ankle swells in the night.

I'm up getting an ice pack (or my husband hears me and gets it), and taking pain meds to get back to sleep.  I wish this on no one.

I also realized that my yarn totes were moved upstairs.  Sigh.

I however, had not finished the bedroom closet, so I found a few unfinished projects to keep me busy.

I found a knitted dishcloth to finish, another set of hot pads, I can restock blue baby booties (I had that yarn downstairs), I have a scrap lap afghan to finish, and I found a baby blanket that I started probably over 5 years ago.  I must have buried it unseen.  

I also, ordered me some books on  I am still waiting on them.

I got my Christmas binder out and added patterns for homemade gift ideas for next year.

I also want to get back to doing some journaling, but on the computer vs. hand write this time.  I need a new flash drive, and can't figure out the best one to buy on Amazon.  Or anywhere for that matter.  

No way am I asking my husband or Daughter K to buy one in town for me.  They are both already mad for having to do some of my chores (tend the hens, get the mail, dishes, cook, and stuff like that).

I'm already getting retorts from my husband, because Daughter K has been zero help.  Literally.  

I got 3 Christmas cards addressed, but I had to ask them 3 times to put them in the mailbox, so I'm not sure I'll get anymore done.  I don't want to ask them again for help.

It's pouring outside this morning.  I'll just get on with this day, and if it stops attempt to use my husband's muck boots to tend the hens.  


  1. Why is it that us doing chores for someone is no big deal but when we are down and they must do ours it is? My husband is already wondering how he will do all that needs to be done once I have surgery next month.

  2. Bless your heart. Hope mending is quick for you AND the family, haha.

    Husband had total knee replacement November 3 and is still not back to semi-full speed. It's taking a toll on him as well as me. I've been raking, moving leaves to compost pit wayyyyy out back (back breaking), mowing, when he usually is there to help. But, it takes time (a whole lot of freakin' time, just do it, just do it, just do it) ...a little pain is worth the gain, as my doctor said.

    You take care and rest, RICE and family will eventually come through for you.

  3. Carol, I know my husband is exhausted. I had to gently ask him to get the mail after dark and should not. He got it, but we live on a country highway, and in the dark that is dangerous. I will try and remember to ask before it's dark for sure.

  4. Thank you Mother Em. Will try to rest as much as I can. You take care too.


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