Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Breakfast Using Leftovers and other tidbits. . .

I ended up making a breakfast soufflĂ© yesterday, using up leftover sausage patties diced, and leftover homemade bread.  While I was in the kitchen I tossed together a meatloaf for dinner.

I finally (finally) finished Daughter K's cardigan!!!!!!  She is so happy and so am I.  She said, "do you want a photo for your blog?"  Ha ha ha!  Of course!

The cardigan was the biggest project I have ever attempted.  I frogged several times, and learned a lot from doing this project.  I learned to crocheted "hidden" pockets and more.  It's very comfortable and warm, and perfect timing as we woke up to 20°F (feels like 11°F).

The wood stove is warming up the house nicely, but I have zero intentions of going outside, other than to tend the hens, and get the mail today.  I have a cough now.  Most likely from being out in the wind all weekend, but treating it with medicinal teas and what not.

The world has already gone mad, and now 3 men have been seen during the wee hours of the night in our town (we are on the outskirts) are trying to steal tires/rims off trucks.  Two occasions so far.  

I just realized I will need to suit up and fetch wood.  We need to restock the porch. I'm just thankful for the dead trees the boys fetched for us.  They are burning so nicely. 


  1. Both the cardigan and your Daughter K are ever so beautiful. You did great work on both!! Where's her boots/shoes? G I R L ...Momma raised you better than that.

  2. Hello, it has been a long time since I been in here. (3 yrs) It is good to be back and I will not promise to stop in everyday but i will be in more often. I have been a fulltime care giver for my father for the past 3 years and my life has been on hold. Haha! he is 94 and doing well. So i am trying to get back to life as I knew it, or at least close.


  3. Mother Em, ha ha! We just stepped outside to get better light for a photo. It was just too dark inside.

  4. Kim, thanks for stopping in again. Glad you can pause a bit in life and enjoy your "me" time. Good to hear your father is doing well.

  5. The cardigan is so pretty. All I know how to do is straight lines. Lol. I would love to learn to read patterns for crocheting.

  6. Thanks Tracy, this was my first clothing piece to crochet.

  7. Your daughter's cardigan looks so warm and comfy!

  8. very nice job on the cardigan, it was worth the time. Garments are challenging, and then you appreciate the smaller projects. I like the color of it too. Hope you are on the mend with that ankle.

  9. Faith, it did test my patience for sure. I had to frog it several times, but I think it was from letting it sit to work on other things and then going back to it again. I am so happy I am done with it. Thanks. I did make a trip to the urgent care due to swelling and concerns, but I'm home with a boot now (which is like heaven on my foot).


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