Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday Tidbits

We had our once a year craft show over the weekend.  It did poorly.  No one has the money to spend, or they just don't prefer homemade/handmade anymore.  I typically sell out of the dish scrubbies.  Not the case this time.  Most bought the $1.00 and $2.00 items or didn't buy anything.   Until our economy is in better shape I am pretty much out of business.  The cost of the space was higher, my cost to buy supplies is higher and it appeared more people were more interested in the china made stuff (jewelry, scentsy and things like that).

I had more people soliciting their business to me, and I saw one woman writing notes after looking at stuff.  Possibly getting ideas from my own items to sell herself?  Sheesh.  I was so greatly disappointed.

It didn't help that it was cold and snowing and there was football to watch at home either.  I had Daughter K helping, my husband helped for a bit after he got off work, then Daughter E came out.  We packed up an hour early and left.  Daughter E helped pack up.

We literally had less customers, and even the person selling the raffle tickets walked right past us.  I truly felt invisible.  Vendors were all asked to donate a raffle item. Since the raffle ticket person didn't come to our table, I didn't have to stick around for the end either.  What a joke of a show.

I came home to a mess of a house, because I focused on getting things in order, priced and extra made.  Monday was literally a sweatpants type of day, with cleaning up the house, figuring out a dinner, baking a breakfast and what not.  


  1. I'm sorry that you had a bad turnout. I've experienced that myself many times and on many occasions, including a pastor's wives tea one time. Not a single pw RSVP'd nor acknowledged that I had prayed for them and sent them cards and gifts throughout the year (only one pastor husband thanked me for being kind to and thinking of and praying over his wife on a regular basis). Anyway...such is life. I'm fully convinced that it's time to pull in in some ways and refocus our attention on the home-front...pouring ourselves into the Word of God, caring for our own families, being hospitable and giving what we can as often as opportunity presents itself. I believe it's time to get back to the bare basics of what God created us to be. You don't have to print this comment if you don't want to. I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in feeling invisible and that God's got greater things for you to in these end of days in which we live. I'm thinking of you and praying over you today.

  2. Geez, that's discouraging. I guess the up side is that, when things do turn around, you will be ready to hit the ground running with a supply of items already made up and organized.

  3. Sorry that your sale did not go better. Perhaps when Covid is under control and prices of supplies get back to normal things will be better.

    God bless.

  4. So sorry that your show did not go well. I sell Pink Zebra fragrances that are made here in the US and I have been successful this year, but sales are down compared to some other years. I pray that our economy gets better soon and people begin buying again.


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