Monday, November 15, 2021

R.I.P. Aurora


Aurora was named after the colors of her coat.  She was so pretty.  She was a great hunter.  She was so friendly.  We will miss her so much.  She came with the house when we moved here 13 years ago.  The last people who lived here left her here.  We fed her daily, but she hunted mouse and rabbits.  She loved my husband, and spent many hours in his arms.


  1. S0 sorry for the loss of your Aurora - as you know she is so much like our Roye in looks - a beautiful cat.

  2. Thank you Debby, we are really going to miss her. Mornings are already hard for me. She greeted me every morning.

  3. Sorry for the loss of your furbaby.

  4. So sorry for the loss of your beautiful cat. I am sure that your husband will miss her greatly. Pets are such an integral part of our lives and it is liking losing a family member when they pass.

  5. So sorry for your lost. I am sure your hubby will miss her.

  6. Am sorry for your loss. Aurora was a beautiful cat. Thoughts and prayers.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss of Aurora. I know what a big hole that leaves in one's heart when a fur baby is suddenly not there. May thoughts of her make you smile, and give you many memories to cherish.

  8. I'm sorry. It's hard when we lose our furry loved ones.


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