Wednesday, November 17, 2021

. . . from the handiwork journal


I was tickled pink to get a message with an order for 8 of my hand crocheted dish scrubbies the other day.  Shipping, however, has gone up again.

(older photo)

I have about 15 more rows to finish this lap afghan for Mom.

Daughter E asked me to make her a handmade ornament for their salon.  I crocheted her a nail polish bottle.

Did anyone see yesterday's cooking show on Create TV?  They baked a pork shoulder, bake a side dish with red cabbage (in the oven) and homemade BBQ sauce?  I can't remember what they called the red cabbage dish and cannot find the episode or recipe.  If you watched can you help me find it?  I was crocheting Mom's blanket and my husband got home.  I missed the end and missed the name of the dish and BBQ sauce.  I missed the names of the people cooking them, so I have no idea how to find it all.  I checked the TV schedule, and it won't go backwards, only forwards on the schedule.  I even tried searching the recipes on Create TV.  I cannot find it.

Update:  It's Farmer and the Foodie episode 104, but I can't view the show anywhere nor find the recipes.

Update again!  I finally found it.  Now to find a local farmer with a pork shoulder.....

1 comment:

  1. Yes just mailing anything is expensive to do. I will have to look up TV show.


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