Sunday, November 14, 2021

Dehydrated Chives ~ Scrap Lapghan ~ Going Paperless with Coffee Brewing


I did something different this year.  I dehydrated my chives vs. freeze them.  I had a bit of trouble though.  I thought  dicing them up first would help dehydrate faster.  My dehydrator fan sort of blew them forward, but they did dry.

I dug out this unfinished lapghan.  I took a completed one over to Mom's house.  It will keep her legs warm in her transport chair, however she loves it so much she wants another one for the house while she rests in her recliner.  I'll be working on this at the craft show.

Why I have not thought of doing this, is beyond my mind.  I noticed that the paper filters at the store were pretty low, and I checked Amazon for a reusable one.  I bought one that said it would fit my coffee maker.

We finally cut the last of a tree down and starting cutting it to move to the splitter.  It's finally time to fire up that wood stove soon.


  1. I had the same thing happen when I tried to dry chives! Unfortunately, most of mine were blown all over the place, so I decided to keep freezing them.

  2. Susan, yeah, I will be freezing them. I wanted dried for dry mix recipes, but sheesh, they blew all over the dehydrator.


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