Thursday, November 4, 2021

Random Tidbits

I went to our closest grocery store yesterday, but was disappointed with the organic vegetable section.   Sigh.  I will need to make the longer drive in the opposite direction from now on.  

I've been cutting netting the last few days to make dish scrubbies for the upcoming craft show.  The are a big seller at the shows.  I added another new color - orange.

I'm focusing on buying USA made, and just ordered a board game for my niece and nephew for Christmas.  I don't think I'll be making homemade gifts this year, as with Mom's health and the way the world is, we most likely won't get together (sadly).  I could be wrong.  It is fun coming up with new gift ideas though.  I already have one idea just in case.

Speaking of Mom, she had another fall last night.  Her legs are being treated by a wound clinic now thankfully.  One leg was infected and the other has a growth, that they took a biopsy from. She also had blood come from her ear, in which I told her to immediately call her doctor about.  The visiting nurse didn't seem to think it was anything (but this is not normal).  The issues are communication right now.

I think yesterday was the first day in a long time to not stock up on something.  I'm back at it today though.  No pictures today for some odd reason.


  1. Who has medical power of attorney for your mother? That person can and should call the doctor about the blood coming from her ear.

  2. Granny J, it's my younger brother, and I have notified him due to the fact I did tell Mom to call her doctor immediately. She did not. Sigh. I know it can be a serious thing.

  3. Prayers for you as you go through this. I hope the medical people can find the source of your mom's issues and you can get resolution soon.

  4. Thanks for inspiring me concerning Christmas this year! USA made...YES!!! I've been in such a fog since John passed that I probably wouldn't have thought about ordering ahead if you hadn't mentioned it. Thank you!!! Sorry to hear about your mom's fall and hope that she is okay. I went to Aldi's this a couple of turkeys and stocked up on holiday foods. Blessings!

  5. Rebecca, glad I could inspire you. It was my Mom who got me thinking about items I buy and where they are made. You reminded me that I need to make a trip to our area Aldi's too. I think they have a few items I need to stock up on as well.


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