Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Canning Beets

Yesterday my kitchen had the wonderful aroma of beets boiling.  

My wonderful husband brought home some organic beets so I canned them.  Mmmm!  I'm so blessed to add more to the pantry this winter.  Considering how the world is going, it's nice to have more preparations for our meals.

Yesterday morning the dogs started barking at a particular door in the house.  We all assumed it was raccoons eating the cat food.  Not so.

It was around 5am.  Daughter K beat me to the door and took her dogs out.  Had I been more awake, I would have gotten my husband up.  Daughter K said she could hear something out near the woods but could not figure out what it was.

Later when daylight arrived, and after canning beets, I went out to the camper (which sits under a pole light all night) to get the last of the items to winterize it.

I found the door wide open and lock still in lock position.  Someone (or more than one) broke into our camper, but the dogs barking ran them off.  Nothing was taken.  I alerted my husband considering where we live and anyone would be seen from the road.  These people had to have come out from the woods (parking down the road or up the road).

I guess it's time to take precautions anymore.  I am also highly considering to get ourselves a dog when Daughter K moves out.  Those dogs sure let me know when someone or something is outside.


  1. I love beets and yours look so pretty in the jar. Sorry to hear that someone broke into your camper, but am thankful that the dogs woke you up and scared them off. Sounds like it's time to put up some cameras and, yes, a good guard dog is definitely a plus. Blessings for a great day!

  2. Thank you Rebecca, we plan to move the camper from where it's at, and put a cover over it, but it may also be put into a barn if we have time before winter (covered in there as well).

  3. We have trail cameras in certain areas on our property. If they steal something and you have no evidence for identification then you've just lost what they have stolen. If you have evidence, it might be easier to find them.
    We had someone stealing our deer cameras one year on a hunting lease. He missed a camera. We caught him with on the camera that he missed. Took it to the police station and they came back out with us to search his home. We got all our cameras back.

  4. Tracy, thanks. We do have one trail camera, but the camper will be moved soon as well.


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