Friday, November 5, 2021

Puttin' Up


I sliced up 6# of apples and cooked them down, while I multitasked....

...and sliced and diced 6# of onions and filled my large dehydrator. Part of them will be ground into onion powder and part will be saved as they are.

I'll probably make applesauce again.  I didn't write down any notes on my recipe (basically instructions with number of pounds), and may have doubled it last time. 

Thankfully I thought ahead for the busy day.  I put an all-in-one dinner in the crock pot.  Four beans and sausage, with home grown green bell pepper and home canned ketchup.

I cut up yellow netting, and it took almost 3 hours to cut enough strips for 11 scrubbies.  It's sort of back breaking work, as it is a lot of netting and I cannot just simply fold it over several times (10 yards) and cut it quickly.  I'm not sure how many more years I'll be selling them.

By the way, two tips with homemade scrubbies.  I've had someone buy them for her husband and said he uses them to get the bugs off his windshield.  My brother uses one to scrub his potatoes.

Today marks day 5 that our mower guy didn't show up.  We had a biker friend over last night and asked if he would mow for a fee.  My husband works all weekend, and I do not know how to use the mower (it's a larger golf course style mower).  I have asked him to teach me, but he refuses.  I think he realizes though I am putting something up every day, and home cooked meals take time (which he appreciates). 

Hubby had his check up at the doctor.  He not only lowered his sugar number, but also lost more weight.  We are both thankful for this, and I'll continue to concentrate on meals to help with his health.

We woke up to a brisk 27°F.  The weather will be a bit warmer this weekend.


  1. I make sugarless applesauce in my slow cooker. Peel, core, cut and cook 4 hours. I put mine through the blender because I bake with it too. I usually do two batches and then reheat on the stove top so I get a full canner of pints.

    -Katie C.

  2. Unknown, thanks for the slow cooker suggestion. Great idea!

  3. You sure stay busy and it's inspiring! Sorry you haven't gotten your yard mowed yet. My cousin has kept up with mine for me since John passed away...which I greatly appreciate. Glad to hear that your husband had a good doctor's report. What a blessing! Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Thank you Rebecca, have a fabulous weekend too.

  5. My husband discovered he's in the pre diabetic stage and we have been trying to substitute. He read about the benefits of cinnamon for blood sugar.

  6. Tracy, we do use a lot of cinnamon. It is one that I buy bulk to save money on.


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