Monday, July 12, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

We got our first camping trip in this year.  We haven't camped since 2019.

Although we decided (and a good decision) to pack up early before the rain hit, we had a wonderful time.

I'm definitely going to be working on new campfire recipes for future trips.  We needed a dose of nature.

Yesterday, my husband and I took Mom lunch and had a nice time catching up.  

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

Rain.  Lots of rain. Not sure why the photo is so blurry, but you can see the rain in the forecast anyway.

How I am feeling . . .
Sad to not be on our weekend vacation, but ready to tackle the housework I guess.

On the breakfast plate . . .
Blueberry pancakes, sausage and coffee.

Looking around the house . . .
It's a mess.  I have camping stuff to put away, tidy the kitchen, sweep and mop it, do some dishes, empty dishwasher, do laundry, purge a small lock box, purge a filing cabinet, get Daughter K to clean her stuff off one table, purge one box of binders, 

On my reading pile . . .
Nothing this week.  I loved being able to get my dose with nature and play cards.  My husband said it's the most time he's spent outside (aside from garden/yard work).

On my TV . . .

 On the menu . . .
-pumpkin/sage macaroni, veggie
-grilled philly's
-baked walleye, steamed broccoli
-grilled BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, asparagus and baked beans

From the camera . . .
English muffin pizzas (camping trip), using home canned pizza sauce.  Yum!

I am thankful for . . .
Getting the chance to go camping, for a day with visiting Mom, for the rain (giving the garden a good soak and me getting the time to get caught up inside), my front porch and so much more.

I am hoping to . . .
Well, for starters, we hope to have time to go check out a few more campgrounds in the next few weeks.  I'm hoping for a few dry days to pop up the camper, and give it a good cleaning.

On my prayer list . . .
No special requests, but we are still having concerns with Daughter E (she is moving out next month).


  1. Your camping trip look so fun! I want blueberry pancakes too. Have a great week!

  2. Lisa, it was a very much needed camping trip. So peaceful.

  3. I am so glad that you had the opportunity to get away on a camping trip, looks like such fun. Here's hoping there will be plenty more before the end of Summer.

  4. Thank you mamasmercantile, we do love the peace of getting outside with nature with some relaxation time.

  5. Glad you enjoyed your camping trip. Camping is not my thing but I do enjoy spending time in nature and find it really helps me recharge. Those pancakes look delicious! Hope you have a wonderful week.

  6. Congratulations on getting some camping time in. I hope you can get a few more in before the end of the season. We could sure use some of your rain. I hope it doesn't keep you from getting everything done you'd like to do. Have a WONDERFUL rest of the week.

  7. threesidesofcrazy, the rain is definitely helping the garden. I need to go out and tie up tomatoes again.

  8. Glad you got to enjoy your camping trip! I also make pizzas on English muffins... soo good!
    Those blueberry pancakes look good too.

    For the cleaning, remember that if it doesn't get done this week there is always next week... and don't worry no one will try to steal it from you. It'll still be there next week

    Have a great week

  9. Ohhh I have missed camping. I can honestly say it's been well over 20 years for me. Goodness!!!

    Have a blessed rest of week!

  10. Sandra, thanks. We love to go camping to get away from life in general and of course off electronic and away from all work.


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