Friday, July 9, 2021

Garden Pests and Random Tidbits

In 2019, our garden was flooded out by so much rain.  In 2020 it was so dry the root vegetables and much of the garden died off.  This year?  Rabbits and ground hogs are a HUGE problem.  They have literally eaten the tops off of my sweet potatoes and now some greens.  Zuri almost caught one the other day.

We are getting rain off and on, and a few storms.  So thankful for a cooler weekend too.

However, we woke up to rain this morning and it was not supposed to rain today.  I'm glad things are getting watered, but sheesh.

I went on a search for my wedding ring papers yesterday.  Man oh man, I found so much paperwork that can be tossed.  I found a tote with about a dozen purses in it too. More to purge I guess.

Anyway, I found them, and I found a savings bond in one of the kids names, and a certificate of my husband's (work related).  I guess I have a lot of tossing to do next week now.

I didn't get a photo, but I made campfire beer cheese in the crock pot to try it (another new recipe from pile to file).  My husband said it was best ever, so I'll try and get the recipe up later.  I used Wicked Easy beer in it (all we had in the fridge).

The cheese would go great with homemade soft pretzels.  

I dried a round of thyme in my smaller dehydrator.  My indoor plant is doing great right now.

Daughter K had the day off yesterday, so we pretty much sat on the porch, and later grilled chicken fajitas (so good) when my husband got home.

While sitting on the porch, I saw the brightest red bird I have ever seen.  I think it was a summer tanager.  I wish I had my camera, but it was there and gone quickly.  Beautiful bird!


  1. Will be looking for that recipe. We had rain too and the grass and weeds have gone crazy. Maybe we will get a break this weekend.

  2. The cheese sounds really good! One of my neighbours told me he saw lots of groundhogs near his place, I haven't seen them around here, but I'm sure they're there!

  3. Lisa, will get the recipe real soon for you.

  4. Rain, they typically only come out a certain time of day, and the dogs sure let us know when lol!


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