Wednesday, June 16, 2021

What sitting down to read a book did . . .


Monday was a very busy day, and there was much that didn't get done, however I boiled eggs.

Daughter K came in the house from running errands, and I had just put the eggs on the back burner with the lid on and timer going.  I literally was so exhausted I went to the front porch to read for the first time in a long time.  I typically don't read in summer with the garden work, but I wanted to take a break and not crochet or knit either.

I came back inside after reading for an entire hour and the timer was going off.  One hour later.  Daughter K was upstairs and couldn't hear it.

I felt so frustrated that I let that happen.

I do not regret sitting and reading.   The yolks were not that green either, ha ha!  I later got dinner baked, but I forgot how enjoyable reading was.

Woke up to the most gorgeous weather.  I asked my husband, "why is the weekday weather always the best weather for camping, and come weekends it's not?"  Just for kickers, I checked the campground and there was one spot left this coming weekend.  I then checked the weather?  Guess what's coming this weekend?  Thunderstorms.  Urgh.  We joked about camping right out back next to the fire pit after that.

I think we'll be taking more motorcycle rides during week until the garden becomes crazy busy. We took off on one last night with gorgeous weather, and we slept great.

My kitchen is a bit chaotic, so it's on the to-do list first thing today.  Dinner will be easy - grilled Santa Fe Chicken Fajitas.  I prepare them in advance and marinate overnight.  I just dump it into a grill pan and wa-la!  I will get the recipe written up soon for you.


  1. Glad the eggs still turned out ok. I’m looking forward to reading the recipe for the fajitas. Have a great day!

  2. Those eggs look perfectly delicious to me. I hard boiled eggs last week and made myself some tuna for lunch. I am truly trying to make some changes to my eating habits.
    I love to read and sit out as much as I can to enjoy the few moments I find to read this time of the year.

  3. The eggs were ok so no harm done and it is good to have an hour or so for yourself to read now and again. Shame about the weather prediction for the weekend, it would have been nice to get a break away.

  4. Carol, the weather here has been so nice to not want to sit out on the porch. I forgot how much I loved to read. The eggs were pretty tasty even after leaving them so long.

  5. mamasmercantile, I couldn't believe the eggs were still good after sitting so long. I told my husband what I did and he just laughed and said, "I'm sure they are fine" which they were. He loves egg salad.


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