Thursday, June 17, 2021

Santa Fe Chicken Fajitas and Chit-Chat

 Santa Fe Chicken Fajitas

1 lb. organic boneless chicken breast, sliced in thin strips

1 red onion, sliced thin

1 organic green bell pepper, sliced

1 organic red bell pepper, sliced

1 organic orange or yellow bell pepper (optional if you want more veggies), sliced

3/4 cup home canned salsa (or picante sauce)

6 Tbsp. organic lime juice

3 cloves garlic, minced (we use home grown)

2 tsp. organic chili powder

1 tsp. organic oregano (we use homegrown and dried)

1/2  tsp. organic ground cumin

1/4 tsp. natural smoke flavoring (optional, see note)


Black pepper

1 Tbsp. organic olive oil

10 homemade tortillas

Mix everything in a bowl with lid, except the tortillas of course.  Marinade the ingredients for at least 1 hour in the refrigerator.  We like to let it sit overnight.  You can then cook the chicken and veggies in a pan or in a grill pan on the grill.  Top tortillas, and any toppings you'd like.

Note:  Natural smoke flavor typically contains a color added.  There are so many Youtube videos on how to make your own flavoring, but sometimes I just add a drop of molasses and vinegar and grill the fajitas. I have also found organic smoke flavor online.

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The weather has had us yearning to go camping, and we even joked about putting up the camper out in the "back 40" this week.  However, the forecast changed those spontaneous plans.  A storm is brewing up and heading our way tomorrow.

I had so much to put away in my chaotic kitchen yesterday that my fitbit was reading over 10,000 steps by dinner time.  I got word that Wal-mart had put a clearance price on their mulch, so we headed up to the Big City to check.  Nope.  We came back home with one bag to mulch Daughter E's butterfly bush.  We needed a few items anyway, so the trip was not a waste of gas.

Our mower guy nicked the butterfly bush with the lawn mower and it both irritated me and made me sad.  I'll be making sure the bush is surrounded enough with mulch to keep the mower far away from it.  I asked my husband to make sure he mentions it to him next time he is here.

My clothesline was full yesterday, so first thing today is the remaining laundry and getting it on the line.  Porch clean ups are in order, while we wait for the garden to produce a harvest.

I also have a to-do list for in the kitchen again today.  My list remains for stocking up the freezer, until I begin cleaning it.  I hope to get one shelf done today.

I already woke up to gritting my teeth after seeing my kitchen sink.  I already started charging Daughter K rent due to her horrible housekeeping skills.  I reminded her twice last night to put her dishes in the dishwasher.  Guess where they are at?  In the sink.  She'll be 22 this month.  As hard as I try and change her ways, I can only hope she is better when she moves out with her boyfriend (which may happen this year).

I hope to get some time to "surf" the internet for some alternative recipes for baking walleye vs. frying it.  I'm trying to watch over my husband's sugar intake (breading is bad for him).  I found one already, but it uses boxed potato flakes and white potatoes are on the list to avoid.  I may try it with parmesan cheese though.

I hope your summer is returning to normal, and things are well for you all.  I do appreciate your comments.  Things here are coming back to life.  It was so nice to see our friend's bar completely full of people and even a birthday party going on (they have wonderful food there). Farmer's Markets are going on everywhere, so I hope to make it to one for vegetables we did not plant this year.


  1. You are a busy women. I am making my own mulch this year from grass clippings,vegetables bits and brown bags. Seems to be working out.

  2. Things are getting back to normal here too although we are still wearing masks in public places indoors and maintaining the 2 metre rule. Hope you manage to get a camping trip in soon.

  3. Lisa, your homemade mulch sounds interesting

  4. Thanks mamasmercantile, we hope to be camping soon.


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