Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Strawberry Vodka and a busy Monday

I started some strawberry vodka.  It's good too, and it's nice to have an adult beverage in the winter (this recipe lasts up to 6 months in the fridge, and tastes better after it sits after straining).

I had a lot on my plate yesterday.  Boy oh boy.  I had to water everything first (garlic was bone dry),deadhead flowers/roses. I had laundry to do and hang outside, bake a breakfast bake, wash dishes, get oregano out of dehydrator, marinate chicken/peppers, boil eggs, freeze strawberries....make dinner.  Long day for sure.  I also made a pitcher of spearmint/green iced tea.

Breakfast - sausage, sweet potatoes (organic Hannah ones), garden green pepper, garlic, thyme, salt pepper, eggs.  It was so creamy with those sweet potatoes.  Yum!


  1. The breakfast bake really does look good. I like the sound of strawberry vodka, sounds delicious.

  2. mamasmercantile, it turned out delicious. I have to watch carbs (sugar) with my husband's diet, and those sweet potatoes were a great substitute.


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