Monday, June 14, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday


We've had a few days of fog here lately.  We are moving into a cool down weather-wise.

Saturday we got the entire rose bed weeded, weed whacking done, and mailbox flower bed planted.  We also planted an ornamental apple tree that was growing in one of the beds.

Yesterday was beautiful.  We finished up outdoor garden work, showered and took off on a motorcycle ride.  We went to a new town and a local eatery.  Delicious, but not cheap.  We'll go back, but to try their breakfast next time.

Once home, we made a fresh strawberry pie, and played cards on the porch with adult drinks.  Great day for some R & R. 

Today I'll be joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
80's, slight chance for rain, sunny

On my reading pile . . .

On my TV . . .

Heartland (long series for sure)

On the menu . . .

-Salmon Romanoff, green beans, fresh strawberry pie
-grilled fajitas
-walleye, not sure on a side yet

On the to-do list . . .

-water garden
-bake a breakfast casserole
-dehydrate oregano
-boil eggs
-freeze more strawberries
-sweep front porch and get more furniture put out

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating . . .

Working on the XL hot pad in this color, still crocheting water balloons too, and getting some yarn back on the knitting needles.

From the camera . . .

More snapdragons are blooming, but I am a bit disappointed that they are mostly white or yellow.  I hope they produce more color as they continue to bloom.

Something fun to share . . .

Fun for us anyway...found another Mom and Pop eatery to take a motorcycle ride too.  I'm so happy we found new rides to take this year.

On my prayer list . . .

A young girl named Annabelle with health issues, Daughter K who got tonsillitis


  1. Looks like a great weekend. Have a great week

  2. So glad you had a fun ride. Thanks for the snapdragon pictures they are lovely. Have a great week

  3. It must b a relief to have the garden more or less planted. That's a lot of work, but good work. It's fun to reap all the vegetables at the end of the season! The water balls look like fun to do and I bet the kids love them!! Glad you had a day of rest. Take care!

  4. linnellnickerson, yes, the harvest of the garden is worth it. Thanks.


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