Friday, February 12, 2021

Hallway Progress ~ Knobs are on and other ramblings

Yesterday we delivered Youngest her car before she had got off work.  She was so happy that we not only got the tire fixed, but she had her car back before her shift was over.

I also delivered a large box of "doodle" paper to my niece and nephew.  I had to laugh, because my niece showed me a book she made with a lot of paper.  The are well supplied now, ha ha!  I also gave them 3 boxes of colored pencils and two of markers.

When we got back home, we had some time to do a few things around the house, and I am a happy gal.

My husband helped me put up the window film.  I also put up my new lace valance.  I absolutely love it.  I may do the front door this way too.  That framing on the window is inside the window.  I am glad I found window film I liked and was long enough to only have to cut one piece as well.  The window is next to the side door.  I'm not putting it on the door (which looks just like the window), because the dogs will jump up on it when someone delivers or knocks.  When Daughter K moves out, I will cover that door too.  I love, love love it.

I bought some for the bathroom window 12 years ago, for a window above the tub.  It has stayed up for 12 years.  It's the kind you wet and stick, is removable and no adhesive on it.

Anyway, I am hoping we get time to finish the hallway paneling and trim work.  Then come spring, I can paint the side door (inside and out), and the garage door.

Remember the knobs I bought last year?  They are finally up on the utility room cupboards.

Woke up to 19° and we'll warm up to 24°F today.  I sure hope the sun comes out too.  It's a bit windy out and more drifting, but so glad they were wrong about below temperatures.

Fire is stoked and this lady is going to make some coffee and get to work.



  1. Love the film; where'd you get? And, knobs are soooo cute, too.

  2. Mother Em, I got it on Amazon, but you can find it in large hardware stores in the window section. I just needed a certain length and could only find it online. I do love it.

  3. The window film is really pretty. I've never seen any before. It looks so lacy like your valance. I love the look too. Oh, the knobs are so cute! Funny how changing just a few little things can make such a difference.

  4. Henny Penny, thank you. I've had fun doing these upgrades, and so far love the new looks.

  5. I like that window film, so pretty. I'd love to do a few upgrades...

  6. Faith thank you. I just love it. I'm working on projects for the kitchen as well.


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