Saturday, January 9, 2021

Weekend Work and ramblings

I went right back to deep cleaning Friday.  I'm beginning to work on the hallway where I have two bookshelves (hallway is wide and was added on for a person in a wheel chair).  I am super excited to start on this.  I have to decide if I want to paint the hallway after I get it all cleared out though.  I need warmer weather to paint too.

First, I completely emptied my pantry shelving unit my husband built, cleaned it, moved it to another room and filled it back up.  I'll be moving one hallway bookshelf to take is place next.  

Question.  I am looking for a small (travel size) iron for making my crafting purposes.  Do any of you have suggestions?  I found one on Amazon about $4 cheaper than on one I saw at our local Meijer. 

Our random act of kindness.  While on our cabin trip we stopped at an art gallery where they did glass blowing.  We picked this cute pair if earrings up for my husband's co-worker's wife.  She loves anything octopus.  So adorable. We've gone on motorcycle rides with this couple.  I hope she likes them.


  1. Love the earrings, they are adorable and am sure they will be appreciated. It was such a thoughtful gift.

  2. Good for you for getting started on your spring cleaning! The octopus earrings are super cute. They'll be a hit, I'm sure!

  3. Thank you mamasmercantile, Jackie and Leigh. She loved the earrings!

  4. Those earrings are super cute! I am sure she will love them.


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