Friday, January 8, 2021

Flibbertigibbet Friday

Wednesday kept me so busy in the kitchen, I totally forgot to purge two dresser drawers.  I literally dumped them out in the early morning to ensure that I would complete that job.  My goal is to get more extreme cleaning done, purging, and tidying up done daily.  I want to be stress free come planting time.

I also did a quick look-see, to see if I had the right crochet thread for another new project (like I need one, ha ha!), and I did.  I put that out on my bed to reward me with some handiwork time.

Boy, was I fired up with energy and a long to-do list and the intent to get it done.  I had towels to fold, more laundry to do, so many things needed put away that were in the wrong place, sticky notes to put on things to remind the girls to get something done, seeds to inventory for the new year, emails to send, items to clean to donate, items that needed to be trashed, and a recipe to hunt for (lost another one, ha ha!).

Speaking of seeds, Baker Creek has their online site down right now due to high rate of orders.  Hmpffff!  Can't get the carrots I wanted, but we'll be trying a new one this year (praying for a good year).

Took a few items from the garage, cleaned them up and put them in a box to donate as well, got my watering can back in it's home (still had it inside for some reason), made a list of things I need to restock by making them, and updated my canning journal.

I also did inventory in my pantry.  I had purchased the ingredients to gift my extended family homemade treats, but that didn't happen this year.  I'm considering donating it to the food pantry at this point.  I'm sure we don't need umpteen batches of homemade honey roasted caramel corn.

Sadly, I have killed my parsley, rosemary and one of my basil indoor plants.  I have however, managed to keep one basil and thyme plant alive.  Sigh.

I got the cabin trip for May canceled, and we canceled our week long vacation planned for early Feb.  We all discussed it and felt it was the best decision for now, and we'll rely on camping and island retreats.

Well zippity-do-dah!  Guess what I found!?  Ha ha!  I must have picked them up off the table with my 2021 seed catalogs before Christmas, and put them both on the bookshelf.  Lordy, lordy.  Well, I'm ready for this next Christmas, ha ha ha ha!


  1. Baker Creek went back online last night at 5pm. Thursday. This am I placed an order but they still are out of many items. Hope you have a very successful garden season this year. I love it. Also, thanks for your blog.

    Marilyn in SWMo

  2. Wow you have had a productive day! Thankyou for visiting my blog :) I'll be sure to visit you again, I want to see what you use the crochet thread for!
    Have a great weekend,

  3. I'm like you... in January long to-do lists get written down!

  4. Alright I'm worn out and inspired at the same time reading this! You sure do have lots of things going on and I can't wait to get some of my things done too. It has rained enough in the last few months here to fill a pond or two. Waiting on a dry day to put some things in the storage and bring out some of the others. Have a great weekend!

  5. Marilyn, thank you for letting me know. I was so busy moving stuff around yesterday I didn't check. So happy you like my blog too.

  6. Thanks Jill. I'll be sure to share my next project with crochet thread.

  7. Luludou, I wish we had warmer weather so I could do some painting along wiht all the other stuff we are remodeling right now. Summer is so busy with garden work and outdoor stuff.


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