Sunday, January 10, 2021

Beautiful Sunshine!

After days and days of dark and dreary, the sun finally came out all day yesterday.  We took advantage of it, and got out to cut and split more wood.  We installed one nesting box inside the coop too.  We'll see today if they are using it, and will add at least one more for them.

I also had a nice visit with Mom. She sent me home with a folder and when I opened at home, it was full of family photos.  Many of her, her parents, my family, many baby photos of my kids etc.  I will be making a trip to the craft store for a scrapbook.  That will be either a project for the girls or a rainy day project.  It will be kept to pass on family history, so I'll be sure to write who is who and dates if possible.

We needed a few things from the store, and headed back home.  I totally forgot to pick up supplies to put new rungs on the chicken ramp.  

Speaking of the coop, we are already getting help from my Dad.  When he passed, my husband and I inherited his massive collection of nuts, bolts, screws, washers, nails etc.  He stored them in repurposed bottles from the pharmacy and numerous Jif bottles.  They are all labeled with size and item that are inside.  We used screws and nails from them to install the nesting box.  So thankful to have them.

I am up early for no reason at all.  It's about 22°F this morning. Sigh.  On a Sunday no less.  I already stoked the fire, brewed a pot of coffee, but everyone else seems to be able to sleep.  

Our barn cat is up though.  She is scratching at the door.  We may have another barn cat.  Remember the orange and white one I saw?  Well, when I went out to the barn to fetch straw (yesterday) for the coop, it scaled a pole in the barn up to the loft while I was out there.  Later I watched him leave and run out to the woods.  I am pretty sure he's staying in there at night.

I now have boxes to start removing books from the bookshelves starting next week.  Not sure if my husband will love me or hate me after getting motivated for remodel projects.  I know we won't have as much time over summer with the garden, but happy to be progressing on at least one project.  With the possibility of part sun today, we plan to cut and split more wood today.  I love getting out in the sunshine.


  1. Enjoy your sunshine! I would love to have some! Our days are so gray this time of the year and it just makes life so much more difficult!

  2. Send some sunshine our way, it would be nice to see the sun. Glad you are able to get some outside jobs done, its a mammoth task getting wood cut.

  3. Our sun finally came out after two days of fog and frost. You are so right sunshine just makes everything feel so much better.

    Those pictures will be a lovely part of your family history to pass on.

    God bless.

  4. Carol, you are right about sunshine. We went a week without it. We are back to dark and dreary now.

  5. Thanks mamasmercantile. I see cutting wood as being physical and getting fresh air. It is work though.

  6. Jackie, glad to hear you got some sunshine too.


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