Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Snow Mustache and other random ramblings

I had to laugh at this.  I took the photos, because of the odd snow formation.  As Youngest's car sits to be looked at, the car grew a mustache!  Ha ha ha!  I just thought it was pretty cool (and funny).

The to-do list for the week:
-call library to see if they take book donations for book sale
-call charity to see if they take books and do pick ups next
-purge books
-do dishes
-trash out
-bake a breakfast 
-boil chicken and shred for another dinner
-bring more wood in
-clean table off
-purge utility room cabinets
-fold towels
-write a list for crochet/knit items that need restocked first (f-bombs, scrubbies, baby booties etc)  I need to do this to stay on task
-install knobs on some utility room cupboards (still haven't done that)
-sweep kitchen
-mop kitchen
-clean hallway windows 
-install new window blinds
-dust small bookshelf 

One table got a fresh tablecloth on it, but the other awaits as I purge books/binders and journals.

We got some more snow last night.  As I sit here and type, I can hear traffic going pretty slowly.  We haven't heard a word from our daughter K and if her flight left on time at 5am this morning.  I hope to hear from her later today.

Our library is not taking any book donations.  The charity however is.  I have 5 boxes ready to go, but more to look through.  The charity takes donations, sells them, and puts the money towards any local charity that needs help.  It's run by all volunteers.  They are new to the area, so I hope they do well.

I had so much to do yesterday, I had zero handicraft time. At dinner time a friend of ours came to pick up the bookshelf we had in the hallway.  Now we can resume ripping out the carpet and putting in the rest of the new flooring.  I am so glad I did this.  Even if it's the only project this year, I am glad I did it.  It forced me to de-clutter the hallway, purge books I didn't need, and give the hallway a brand new look (which was needed).


  1. It is always nice to purge areas where we are cluttered. I would have a hard time with books as I have so many favorites. LOL! If I feel like it today, I am working on an entire closet. Wish me luck!

  2. I think books are always the hardest to purge. Glad you found somewhere they can go. The snow moustache made me smile. Hope all went well with your daughters flight, she has been in my prayers.

  3. I'm slowly purging my dresser. Old jeans that need mending or repurposed. I bought two new pair so two have to go. Old stained and ripped t-shirts go into the pile for "plarn" for market bags. I'm hoping to get my clothes back into one dresser (6 drawers) again.

  4. I have such trouble purging books. I have now taken to picking up books at the second hand store, and those I have not got as much trouble purging.

    God bless.

  5. Carol, I am not looking forward to doing my closet. It's a walk-in and the only place to store my yarn. It's a mess in there now.

  6. Cockeyed Jo, I did the same thing, but only 1 drawer and two small ones. Felt great to get it organized again.


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