Thursday, January 21, 2021

Random Tidbits ~ Journal Junkie Purged

I am taking this dog watching as a test to see if I really do want one of my own then the girls (if they ever) move out.  One morning it was 20-something, but felt like 13°F.  Of course the two dogs of hers woke up at different times - two trips out in the dark early morning cold and snow.  

Two blank journals went to each of the girls.  I found them on my other bookshelves.  One was a holiday journal I haven't used since 2007.  It basically had a few comments, lists of foods, guests and a few photos - it went to the trash.  I don't keep up with it.  Photos go in albums now and journal in one main journal.  Two or three were empty, and one was short stories

I've donated 2 boxes of books and now filled 10 more.  I had so many handed down, some I still had from homeschooling, and other topics that needed to go to a new home.  I parted with a few series that I bought from library book sales too.  I just have to find places to donate to other than our Goodwill.  The charity place has strange donation hours and a long walk in and out.  I'm too old for that, ha ha!  I need a drop off at the door kind of place.

Many were from a Humane Society book sale.  During the last hour they had a big sale and I guess I went nuts.  Another time a library book sale and the same after that.

A few were my husband's old books and he said get rid of them.  These I may put up to sell.  Not sure.  I did a search on some other books, but found several copies for sale (low prices) and no bids on ebay.  These however, are oldies and goodies.  They are not in great shape though.  He read them a lot and have been stored in a closed book case.

I took an inventory on canning supplies.  I am set on jars and rims, just not the lids.  I will be on the look out each trip to town.  The last pectin I bought was expired (didn't see it until I got home).


  1. Journals are one thing I keep! I find the most interesting things within my grandmother's and mother's journals.

  2. My holiday journal only had a few things written in it, so it had to go. I do have camping journals and travel journals my Mom wrote though.


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