Saturday, January 16, 2021

Bye bye "stuff"


Craft supplies are being purged now.  Gulp.  Sorry for the boring posts lately. The kids are grown.  I do enjoy making homemade Christmas ornaments to sell and gift, but I am letting some things go to another home.  I just found out about a charity that takes anything but items that has cloth on it (like couches, clothes).  They will even pick it up  I've taken note of that.  It may come in handy.

What I used them for - Handmade Christmas Ornaments (snowglobe)  And you can bet, I was going through craft supplies, and thinking up what else I could put inside those cute capsules as ornaments (before tossing in the box).  The capsules are only 1 1/4 inch tall, so you can imagine the work that went into that tiny snowman.

Old film containers left too.  I can't believe I still had these.  I, yes again, went to pinterest to see if I could make anything before tossing in the box.  I think I had saved them for when my husband was a leader for boy scouts.

So, is there one thing you bought during lockdown/quarantine online, and completely forgot about it? 

My husband and I were discussing the new coop.  I made the comment I would like to do it before we get really hot weather, because the way they built the coop we have now, it is a hot house in hot weather.  Then I realized, "wait, I think I bought a solar fan."  

Guess you spent the day looking for it?  It is adjustable and can even be used for camping etc.  I'm glad we had our discussion, or I'd not find it until we put flooring in the bedroom and closet.  Oye.


  1. LOL...I forget nearly everything I buy because my brain is all over the place!! I think I need to do a little purging myself. I have about 25 yogurt containers that I actually packed and brought with me to the new house...they are still sitting there collecting dust!

  2. Shame to have to let things go, but if you are not going to use them it is best to declutter.

  3. Rain, I'm glad I am not the only one who forgets, lol!

  4. mamasmercantile, it was time to let some "things" go, and the more memorable ones were taken to the antique dealer for a good home.

  5. We all usually have areas we can purge in our homes. I think that some days I would like to just call someone to come haul it all off.


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