Sunday, January 3, 2021

Jibber Jabber

My husband started Sunday out with working on my car with replacing the brakes.  

First order of business on Sunday for me?  Secure some boxes for next week.  I'll need them to move books from point A to B and then back to A.  I'm so excited to get some bigger projects checked off the books this year.

Second order was to put more kale in the freezer.  My stash of greens were getting low.

Third to make room in two other rooms for the books and bookshelves before I start moving them.  I may do a purge if needed, but one entire bookshelf is canning, medicinal, homesteading and self sufficiency books and I know those will all stay.

Fourth?  Clean out our travel case of toiletries.  I've had it in the bathroom since our last overnight vacation, and decided it needed cleaned out (purge out any old stuff, reorganize).

Fifth order of business was to get a few more rows crocheted into Daughter's cardigan.  I'm gaining on it.

I also had some bananas to freeze.  I just didn't have the time to bake banana bread.  


  1. I love your blog! I’m not sure exactly how I found it, but I’m so glad I did! We have a lot in common. We have a little farm but I’m still working full time. I was home for many years, and that’s really where my heart is. I’m trying my best to be able to stay at home once again. Anyway, I love your blog so much! So nice to ‘meet’ you.

  2. Busy Sunday for sure. I am being rather lazy. I am trying to catch up with all my sites. New printer to set up and dinner to prep.

  3. And, winter is supposed to be our slack time. LOL It isn't for us either, Kristina. Today I'm canning mandarin oranges in half pint and pint jars. Caught a sale $0.85 a pound. I snatched 20 lbs.

    I remember purging my library at my old homestead. I do mean a 12x16 room floor to ceiling shelves and free standing bookcases. What I keep-homesteading, 3 cookbooks out of a collection of 40, my aromatherapy and herb books, holistic books, survival handbooks, and a scant handful of other books. Signed first editions of various books, and all the rest went to the libraries and collectors. I feel so much lighter without them. My Kindle holds quite a few copies just fine.

  4. I'm plannin on to build a roo cellar above ground. We don't have a slope that's suikale to dig in, and a home digged in to our clay ground will just get filled with water in few hours. So, above ground, just needs enough dirt over it...
    It is doable and I've seen several working root cellars built this way. It just needs a lot of dort. A. Lot. Of. Dirt. ( which is why I haven't got one yet)

  5. Lisa Mann, so happy that you enjoy my blog. Sometimes during winter I can be a bit boring lol! Thank you for stopping in.

  6. Cockeyed Jo, I do not have a kindle nor a tablet. I have seen some folks read books on them at the gym, but I never got one. I may need to do that at some point.

  7. Ulvmor, I think that is the same way we'd have to go as well, but we are hoping to get down about 5 feet if we can. I was so close to getting it dug by a family member, but then tragic deaths happened in the family that year. I am hoping we get so much more done this year.


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