Saturday, January 2, 2021

Black eyed Pea Casserole and a year of luck?


January 1st was a day to catch back up on things.  Laundry was caught up, Hubby finished replacing the brakes on the truck, I mended a shirt, and cleaned up "party central" in the kitchen. 

We started the new year by trying a new recipe.  Had to laugh though.  It was a crock pot recipe, and all day I thought it was not.  I had to make a few changes and wha-la, black eyed pea casserole baked in the oven.  It tasted good too.  Original recipe is online with  I used fire roasted tomatoes and added my own jalapeno's that I froze (and cooked along with the ground beef and onions first).  Healthy and delicious.  Will it bring us good luck all year?  I guess we'll find out.  I've never been one to believe in such things, but after last year it was worth a try.

My new 2021 planner is being filled up with plans of travel, and a bright shining year of possibilities.  The weather was absolutely miserable yesterday with pouring down rain, dreary, cold, and lots of ice.  It was a perfect day to set out some plans for entire year.  Yeah, I know we may have to cancel some, but I am prepared (2020 gave us experience for sure).

January for starters will be my time to get back on track with regular exercise.  Funny how it really is the month they over advertise it too, but I'm finally out of my "funk" after Dad passed.  However, I cannot (I repeat cannot) watch a funeral on TV (When Calls the Heart) without bawling.

I know we will be busy this year regardless, with a long list of home renovations, painting, coop building etc.  I still have a root cellar and green house on the list.  Root celler is iffy as we my have limestone and cannot dig.  It's been on the wish list forever, but things happen.  Weather happens.  Work happens and so forth.  I'm still looking forward to whatever we do accomplish.

I have a new journal to start the year off with too.  You all know I have a journal for just about everything.  It's a gratitude journal, but it involves doodling, and stickers and a whole lot of fun.  I bought each of the girls one too.  Each week involves a random act of kindness too.


  1. All your plans sound wonderful. I wish you every success and every blessing for the new year.

  2. It's been almost 8 years since my husband's passing and I still tear up with death scenes on television.


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