Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Retreat ~ Back to the Grind

My husband surprised me with a trip to our favorite cabin in the woods.  It's not only in the woods, but way up in the hills.  The road up to it is dirt and there are no guardrails.  I literally grip the door as we go up or down, but once we are up it's total bliss.  It's the next best thing to camping.  The hot tub is the best part.  The cabin is for 2 people only, and it was a surprise stay for our Anniversary (again).  I am not sure who needed it more - him or myself.  I'm just glad it was not snowing nor freezing ice taking those roads.

The cabin had a TV, movies, books, deck of cards, so we had plenty of entertainment.  The full kitchen allowed us to pick up stuff at the grocery and cook/eat at the cabin.  

Speaking of shopping, the grocery stores there were pretty bare.  Way worse than in our hometown area.  The bad part of driving there, is that small town gas stations kept their restrooms closed.  We had to take advantage of rest stops before heading into the hills.

Many stores had their hours reduced, days of the week they were open reduced, and some were on the verge of going out of business.  Our favorite restaurant was closed. The one store we headed out to shop at was closed.  They were a business that made things from metal - candle holders, yard art, signs etc.  They made the items right there, which meant shopping was USA made.  So sad to see them not open.

The funny part, is I had booked the same cabin in the spring for our birthday's, but will be canceling it with what's going on in the world right now.  We can always book camping trips instead (if they are open).

We are back to the grind today.  Both of us. Instead of a 6am hot tub soak and coffee, it's back to stoking the fire and prepping breakfast and dinner this morning.

We need to split wood possibly before the weekend, but I'm hoping I have enough until then.  Oh, the cabin we stayed at had a gas fireplace.  Oh my gosh it heated up so nicely.  We are considering installing one in place of the pellet stove in the other end of the house.  It's on the wish list now.

I do not have my boxes yet to start the hallway project, but excited about it.  Then I thought, "I should paint it while it's all cleaned out" and then I thought well that would be spring in order to paint.  We shall see.  There is plenty of other things on the to-do list too.

I best get busy. Have a nice day.  I had to ask my husband what day it was, I'm so out of whack, ha ha!  It was strange taking off on a Sunday for sure, but we well rested.



  1. What a wonderful surprise, though sounds like that community has not done well during this pandemic with everything closed down. Sad. We heat with gas logs. It is nice & pretty. We also have baseboard electric heat. We like to have 2 sources of heat in case one stops working for days & that has happened on occasion. Also our gas logs work if the power goes out for days & that has happened too. When we were 1st married, (36 years ago) we heated with wood for years, so we now what that is all about. We also heated with oil at one time. The oil line would freeze up on occasion & that meant no heat. Gas logs has been our favorite heat source, so I say go for it. Karen

  2. Karen, thanks. We currently have 3 sources of heat, but cutting and splitting wood requires so much work (we probably need it to stay in shape during winter). We heat with wood, wood pellets and have electric base board, but the electric is horribly expensive in our area.

  3. Oh, that sounds wonderful. I love the looks of the cabin...and the hot tub! So glad you both got to get away. Bet it went be too fast!

  4. Sounds like a lovely anniversary. Congratulations.

  5. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, so nice that you were able to get away. It sounds idyllic, a well deserved break away.

  6. Happy wedding anniversary. would love a cabin like that for just the two of us.
    so sad the state of the economy worldwide right now.

  7. Luludou, we had the cabin books in May but canceled. We felt that with the unknown and so many stores closed already in that area, we were better to take our chances with camping instead. As you said, so sad for our economy.


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