Monday, January 11, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

The sun was shining bright Sunday.  Woot!  We got outside for more wood cutting and splitting.  My husband also did some updates on one daughter's car (changed wires), while I emptied a bookshelf, dusted it and moved it to the living room corner.  I have a box getting filled to donate to the thrift store soon too.  

My husband built me this many years ago and I love it!  I just have to dust the screens on it, but love it.  I am now in the process of purging more books, dusting them off and putting them back on the shelves.  I came across some of my freelance work, and that got me to sort for an entirely new organizing project.  So glad I am doing this.  You would not believe the dust behind that bookshelf.  Hasn't been moved in 12 years.  I have one more larger bookshelf to empty, move, vacuum, dust etc and then go look at flooring for the hallway.

So, Thelma got an F on using the nesting box.  If they pick up on it, they'll get another roost installed soon.  Next time I go to town, I'll pick up a wooden egg to put in there too.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.
I'll link up when she posts today.  Gotta get moving early today.

The weather outside is . . .

37°F/28°F, sunny

On the breakfast plate . . .

Have no idea yet.

As I look outside my window . . .

It's dark and dreary. Not like the sunshine we had the last two days.

Looking around the house  . . .

I have about 4 boxes of books to purge and put away today, and get those boxes re-filled with more from the hallway.  I still have Christmas stuff that one daughter needs to put away (her decor). 

What I am wearing today . . .

PJ's, bathrobe and slippers as I post today.

Currently reading . . .

Nothing.  Just purging books I won't use or read again.

On the TV this week . . .

Anything we can get on Netflix.  Our internet hasn't been that great for wifi lately.

On the menu . . .

-Enchilada Casserole, steamed broccoli

-Homemade pizza with garden veggies

-Walleye, veggie and homemade tarter sauce using home canned sweet pickle relish

-Mexican bean soup, cheese sandwiches 

On the to-do list today and this week . . .

-order medicinal seeds

-master bath

-finish sorting books, dust and put back on bookshelf I moved

-start boxing books on the other bookshelf, sorting as I go

-get to town for errands

-start inquiring about flooring for the hallway (we are installing it ourselves for this job)

From the camera . . .

Yikes!  I have nothing.  I've been working more than playing lately.

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes, Devotionals . . .


  1. The shelves are wonderful, your hubby did a great job.

  2. Great shelves! And your menu sounds really good for this week. I've been craving fish. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. What a cute shelving unit. I love the screened doors.

    God bless.

  4. Jean, I have been trying better to include fish in our menu. My husband was lucky to be able to buy it earlier this year from a friend. We love MI salmon and bluegill too.

  5. Thank Jackie, his nephew (back in the day) couldn't believe my husband built it.

  6. That book armoire is gorgeous! Our wifi hasn't be the best either, was thinking of buying an 'extender'?
    Have a great week

  7. I absolutely love your shelves, oh my goodness. I need my husband to make me some like that.

    I haven't had much time to take pictures lately either, hope to change that this week though.

    Have a blessed week my friend.

  8. Sandra, let hope we both get some camera time this week. I've been cleaning a lot lately. Have a great week!


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