Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Raised Beds and other tidbits (okay mostly deep cleaning updates)

Question for those who grow medicinal herbs in raised beds - can I grow comfrey and mullein in the same bed?  Or should they be in their own raised bed?

Another question?  Is there a difference in planting white or black horehound?  Which is better to plant for medicinal purposes?

I've been busy beautifying the homestead, and so grateful I am out of my depressing "funk" I was in.  I can't believe I didn't do any of this work last year when I was "stuck" at home.  Anyway, I think my husband is happy, other than spending the money (ha ha!) on new flooring and possibly more paint. I'm looking forward to shopping for the flooring.

I haven't had much handiwork time, but I hope to get a handiwork post go up soon.  Last nights dinner was changed to chicken breast and home canned mustard pepper sauce, over red quinoa (what I had), and a side of garden green beans.  I needed something easy, as it took the entire day up until 1pm to go through and remove all the books on the other bookshelf.  Oh my.  I had spiritual growth/prayer journals, several that were new empty journals (note to self: do not buy more), and even found my review for work when I went to Argentina.  I asked one daughter if I should just throw it out, read it and throw it out or what.  She couldn't decide either.  I hate to come across things like this. 

I had a stack of magazines that needed to be read through and then off they go too.  I have so many folders from my freelance writing days (haven't done much in years).  I need to pull each file and go through them now.  

I still have 2 full boxes of binders I need to go through.  One I already decided was completely going in trash - stuff that was outdated and binder falling apart.  I filled two boxes of books to donate.  Felt great to get done.  

I also have this oversized book.  Why oh why I bought it when it's that big and difficult to put on a shelf.  

While putting my Bibles in a box, I told my daughter that was home, I have a Bible in Spanish!  I was about to put it in the donation box, but flipped to the very end and it was signed by Mom as a Christmas present way back in the day when my sister and I at the time, were going to Spain and Africa with a class trip.  I'm on the fence, but I won't use it.  I think it will have to go.  

Speaking of Mom, she is deep cleaning too, but I told her I will only take her boxes if she doesn't send anything back in them ha ha ha!

Good news!  The chickens are using the new nesting box, but Thelma insists on laying in the feeder.  


  1. I am so glad the chickens are laying in the nesting box. You are putting me to shame with your decluttering but finally a start has been made here.

  2. That is a great book and worth the inconvenience of size. I also have it. It has some great info that would be difficult to find today (preserving certain meats comes to mind).

  3. Hi Kristina, I still am reading your blog daily even though I don't comment very often. You are so industrious with the deep cleaning and overhauling! I have so little time for cleaning myself, I am sure you would be appalled at the state of my home sometimes!

    I was thinking about that hen of yours, laying in the feeder. How about just dropping 2 or three empty containers from your recycling bin in there, bottles, cans whatever. just somethings that would not be uncomfortable to sit on but easily removed for you to dump more feed in. Just a thought.

    Happy 2021, Take care!

  4. mamasmercantile, I'm tickled pink they are using the nesting box. The eggs are clean if they lay in there. Not so much if they lay on the bottom of the coop where the coop layout has their so called nesting areas.

  5. Lady Locust, the book has a lot of information in it for sure.

  6. Debby that is a good idea for the feeder. I put a dog feed bowl in there, but they keep knocking it out. I will look around to see what I can put in there.

  7. Plant white horehound, black can be toxic. I can’t offer advice on the other two herbs in raised beds as I have no experience with them.

  8. Thank you Mary, that is good information to know.

  9. I have been reading your blog for a month or two now. I have no idea how I found it, but I certainly am enjoying it.
    I do have a question. Your home canned mustard pepper sauce sounds intriguing. Would you share the recipe? I think I would love to try it.
    Thank you so much

  10. Thank you Anne, I have added the link in today's post (1-17-21).


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