Friday, January 1, 2021

The beginning of 2021

It's a new year!  The beginning of something new I hope for all of us.  I spent yesterday (New Year's Eve Day) driving my 21 year-old to her therapy and surgery.  She had the pins removed from her hand.  She is completely healed and has no restrictions using her hand.  So thankful for that.  

Today, I am making black eyed pea casserole for dinner.  It just sounded good.  I'm thinking of rolling out the pastry cloth and making us some biscuits and gravy for breakfast.

I inherited this door from my Dad.  He was a pharmacist.  It's very old.  I grew up working in the store.  The store had a fountain, photo center, cigar counter, penny candy and sold other items.  The fountain (what we called it) is where there were booths to sit and eat, and a long counter with seats to sit and eat.  We sold sandwiches, ice cream, snacks, soda etc.  We had the best hot fudge sundaes.  Anyway, Dad's pharmacy had a swinging door for years until we got robbed (at night when it was closed) and Dad had to enclose the pharmacy with glass and a door that locked.  One daughter had a grand idea.  She said it would be a great door for a room where my medicinals (natural remedies) would be kept (my dried teas, tinctures, etc).  She said it was my own sort of pharmacy.  I just have to figure out where and how.  I just love the idea of it.

A closer look at the colors in the bathtub rag rug.  It just makes me smile, so I am so glad I got it finished.  We need more "happy" in the home right now.

I bought myself a new 2021 planner and already have things planned.  Hoping and praying the new year is much better than 2020.  Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! 2021 planners ! Thought I was the only one excited about it.... lol !

  2. I love your rag rug! I hope to be a little more crafty this year. I would love to sell more on Etsy and I am looking into Amazon more this year. I believe my Pink Zebra business will be my main focus this year and I am excited to see where it leads!

    Every home needs a little more happy this year!!

  3. Happy New Year Kristina! :) Oh that's a great idea about the door, and what a nice door too! I loved hearing about the "fountain"...seems so old fashioned, you don't see that anymore in pharmacies!! :)

  4. wyomingheart, I'm already using it and praying for a better year.

  5. Carol, I have an account with Etsy but haven't opened it yet. I'm waiting to make sure it's what I want to do yet.

  6. Happy new year, wishing you everything that you wish for yourself. Love the pharmacy door, I do hope you are able to reuse it for your remedies.

  7. mamasmercantile, I have plans for the door, but it will require much work to remodel. I'm looking forward to it though.

  8. Cute rug!
    The pharmacy door is just awesome.

  9. Thank you Luludou, I can't wait to get the door up.


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