Monday, November 2, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

I can't believe November is already here.  I rolled in with a bang of cold weather.

Sunday, we were up super early due to the dogs on regular time and us on daylight savings. We could have used that extra our of sleep.  My husband and I started back up on purging the garage.  We got a lot done.  There is much to do yet, but it is much better now.

Rehomed the king box spring to our good friends, dog bed steps will go to humane society or Goodwill, sent photos of some wall lights to family to see if they could use them (new in boxes), threw stuff out until our bin was full (more to put in it after trash day).  Some will be burned.   Found tools we thought were lost, found a home for the horse feed bucket left behind by one daughter, found a brand new wheel for my garden cart, will be rehoming a child's rocker to our grand kids, toys my son left behind are going to my nephew...such a good feeling to get that much done in just half the day.  We were done by 1pm, as far as we could.  We'll resume another day.

We got snow about the time we delivered the box spring.  The cold returned for the day, and the sky turned dark.  I literally did dinner prep, put on jammies, and picked up the crochet hook.  Hubby turned on football.

Today I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .

Woke up to 20 degrees, high of 47 today and low of 36 degrees.  We are to be up in the 70's by the weekend.

How I am feeling this morning. . .

Actually I feel rested.  Although the dogs got me up early yesterday, I went to bed early and got extra sleep.

On my mind. . .

Election day.  It's causing a lot of anxiety.  I think I will bake some cookies and deliver them to my Dad.  I have not seen him since the beginning of the plan-demic.  I will have to wait for someone to be off work to do that though.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Right now I am . .

Blanching organic spinach.

On today's to-do list . . .

-bake a breakfast for the next few days

-blanch/freeze spinach and chard

-make homemade garlic breadsticks

-sweep/mop kitchen

-wash bedding and any other laundry

-clean one shelf in my refrigerator

On the reading pile . . . 

Stay tuned.  Book has been ordered.

On my TV . . .

Football lately.

On the menu this week . . .

-homemade pizza with home canned sauce and veggies

-crockpot pork chops, mushroom sauce, green beans

-spaghetti with Kamut noodles, peas and homemade cheesy breadsticks

Steel cut oats with apples (breakfast)

Breakfast casserole

From the Camera . . .

New Christmas ornament!  It's not small, but cute.  I wanted to get at least one made, to see if they would be too big for a tree.   I just need a hanger.  I will be making more, after I finish some current projects.

Looking around the house . . .

We now have 2 Christmas trees up.  On daughter put hers up in a corner in the living room (one she used in her apt.).  It's cute, but I think the dogs will get to the ornaments.  I guess we'll see.  I'm not in a hurry to get ours up just yet.  

New recipe I want to try, or one we really enjoyed . . .

I have oodles of new recipes to try.  Stay tuned.  

 Something I want to share . . .

(from Learning Herbs)

On my prayer list . . .
America, our State, the election, Youngest, my Dad's upcoming surgery, our close friends, and any personal request.


  1. Great post. Oh I want to make the truck! I came by from HHM. I hope you will come visit me. I have a party. It runs all week. Come and link up! Have a great week!

  2. Thanks GranthamLynn, I'll be over for a visit.

  3. We spent the day recovering from helping our youngest dog whelping 10 pups. 8 survived. We had to teach her how to be a mother. First it was staying in one area to have her pups. After she birthed 4 she ran outside because the older dogs were barking. We found two pups and brought her back inside where it was warmer. There was no restraining her to stay inside so we gathered pups when she had them and brought her inside until she finished. Then it teach her how to lay so she could feed them, etc. Happy to report that she and all 8 pups are doing fine.

  4. Love the truck ornament! Glad you got to see your dad, homemade cookies are just the best. Have a great week

  5. Cockeyed Jo, glad to her Mom and the pups are doing good.

  6. Thanks Luludou, hope your week is great too.

  7. Cute truck ornament. Hope all goes well for your dad. I have to have a lull with just a few fall decorations between Halloween and Christmas stuff. Need to reset my mind and my space. Have a great rest of your week!

  8. Thanks Jean, I am making more of the truck ornaments. Slowly I am making the parts, then I sew them together with yarn.


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