Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Teabag Tidbits

Did I ever mention, that years ago I wrote a free newsletter when I was homeschooling?  I also belonged to a writer's club.  Well, kids moved on, and we moved.  Anyway, it was one page, front and back, titled "Teabag Tidbits."  

I will have to dig one out, as I will be looking at my stories hopefully today.  I had so much fun writing the newsletter.  I would copy it and put it in libraries where they had a place to put them. 

Good Advice

It's day two of National Novel Writing Month.  Over the years I lost my mojo.  I'm digging out old stories I wrote too.  Should be interesting.  Not sure I will do it this year, but it's day 3 now.  

I loved to hand write letters too.  I used to correspond with my Aunt. We'd send a letter, sometimes a surprise box and other fun snail mail.  She passed away, I no longer had letters to send.  No fun snail mail.  No surprises for her grandkids.  

She would send me teabags.  I would send her jars of jam/jelly.  She'd send the jars back filled with goodies.  She'd mail me her hand written recipes, and I would send her something hand crocheted or other surprise.  I do miss those days a lot. 

Anyway, once in a while I will post a "Teabag Tidbits" post, with my latest teabag saying.  Today it got me thinking about my passion to write. My laptop broke down a long time ago.  I just haven't had the motivation to spend the cash for a new one, since all the kids are out of school, and we don't fight over the desktop computer.

I remember a website that was called something like "write on" and I won a contest.  I can't remember what I won, but that was fun to do too.

Today's economy is forcing so many print publications to go out of business (or go online with a fee).  I do miss my library for research, and I don't see that happening for many months to years at this point.  

Back to writing, I am looking forward to reading through some work, but it will be limited, so I can still be caught up with the house, splitting wood (parts for the chainsaw are to arrive today), and other stuff.


  1. You brought back memories of when I used to hand write a weekly letter to my folks. Then when my dad died, I kept it up with Mom. She died and my favorite aunt and I carried on the tradition. I'm kind of ashamed to admit that there are still people I could sit down and write a letter to but typing is so much faster (that's an understatement) and even though I do occasionally send a letter by snail mail (always so nice to get one yourself, isn't it?), it's more often than not a typed rather than hand written letter.

    Here's hoping you find your mojo to get back into writing. You say you enjoy it so much and, especially these days, we need to be good to ourselves!

  2. Mama Pea, you are right about that. I need to be good to myself more often. This year has been rough all around.

  3. Many libraries or the fellow libraries in their network have online research resources, give them a call, you never know.

  4. This was a wonderful post. I loved it. You shared some lovely memories. So cool to have that relationship with your aunt. I used to penpal in a group but my husband is I'll. I only blog now. I am glad ai came by. See you tomorrow at HHM. I have a party. I would love for you to come by and link your posts. This one blessed me! Here's the party! http://myjourneyback-thejourneyback.blogspot.com/2020/11/the-fabulous-party-simplesimple-sunday.html?m=0


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