Sunday, November 1, 2020

Supplies are hard to find

We started our Sunday on the hunt for dog fencing supplies.  The wooden posts are out of stock everywhere.  We located 3, but even with my insistence, my husband did not buy them (hmpf!).  I may talk him into going back today.  We'll see if I'm successful.

I was also on the hunt for a metal watering unit for my chickens.  I literally bought the last one.  I was told by one store that there is a metal shortage, due to the shutdown, and they are all behind in production.  Makes sense.

We were lucky to have breakfast with Youngest and the family of her passing boyfriend.  Gosh, we had such a good time.  I really miss them.

After that we went to vote.  The process was pretty quick.  The line moved continuously.  We decided to vote early.  Overtime is in the books for next week for my husband, and my car is still in repair.  It was better to vote early, than have the chance to not get to vote at all.

We stopped at Home Depot and picked up some door seals to prep for winter (needed replaced).  We looked at flooring for the bedroom.  Not much in stock to choose from sadly.  We picked up solar batteries for some of the solar lights, but need a special kind for our driveway posts.  I may have to order them online.

It was a beautiful sunny day, so we got to splitting wood, but slightly after starting the chainsaw malfunctioned.  Go figure.  Parts are ordered.  We are coming into a nice, warm week, so hopefully the parts arrive early and we can get back at it.

Again, we have ideas for what to get done today, but planning anything is impossible these days.  We need a trailer, that we already put a call in to borrow, to pick up the fencing for the dog fence.  It's pretty heavy stuff, so that's on the "plate."  Not sure if it will be delivered today or not.


  1. It's just an idea, Kristian, but you might check into ordering your supplies from someplace like Lehman's or one of the farm supply stores online. Blessings for a great weekend!

  2. Rebecca, thanks for the tip. We were actually thinking of making a one day trip to Amish and see what we could find (They have a Lehman's store too).

  3. No shortage of fence posts here. We need a post, we go out to one of the small downed trees from all the storms that has hit us this year. We simply debark and use it. :o)

    We're voting today and doing some shopping since we're off the homestead. We need to replace our wood stove (heater) pipe. It's been mighty chilly the past couple nights.

  4. Cockeyed Jo, I wish we had homemade posts, but we lack firewood this year too. We plan to pull the truck out in the "back 40" and see if there are trees down, haul them up and get them cut. The chainsaw parts are not here yet sadly.


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