Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Warm Days

I took advantage of a few warm sunny days to infuse medicinal oil for homemade "Neosporin."

I was able to find organic ginger root recently, so some was grated and dehydrated, and some was put in the freezer for winter.

I put in an order for Thrift books, but one that was in my cart is no longer available.  I guess I will try for that one at a late date.

I spent a bit of time on the phone calling places.  I had to call the hardware store and tell them why we haven't been in to pick up the new shower, so they are taking note. It's already paid for, just waiting for us to pick it up.  

I decided to not can Port Wine jelly at all this year.  If you have a tried and true (and easy) recipe that used port wine, please share.  Of course we could drink it too.

The car finally (finally) was towed to our repair guy, however, the car we sold to our 21 year-old is acting up again.  Our biker friend is coming over today to replace the plugs.  Praying that's all it is.  So thankful to know people who can help.


  1. I’ve made something similar to this. I served with ice cream.

  2. Wow homemade neosporin sounds great. Glad you know someone that can help with car repairs, that helps a lot.

  3. Sandra thanks. The car has been returned with new plugs and purrs like a kitten thankfully.

  4. Port Wine jelly sounds lovely. I like port wine cheese as well. Glad you got your wheels back.

  5. Why aren't you growing your own ginger and turmeric in pots? I bring them in each winter. I'll also harvest and split them into new pots each spring.

  6. Just read the above comment so thankful that all is well with the car.

  7. Cockeyed Jo, there are a few things we are unable to grow here. For example, I can't even grow blueberry plants due to the limestone. I can't grow cumin either.


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