Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Random Tidbits


More beautiful fall colors at our homestead.  The colors seem to be more vibrant than the last few years.

The moon this morning.

My online pampered chef show closed last night.  I had over $1,000 in sales and earned $240 in free product, 2 - 60% off items, 5 - half off items and 30% off anything else I order.  I'm pretty sure after this, I won't need to have a party for years to come ha ha!  I never in my life thought I would be that successful.

Cross your fingers for me.  My car, after a long year, is to be towed to the repair guy for a new engine tonight.  I think my husband forgot, but will remind him.  It's been a long time waiting for this to happen.

We have a mix of weather going on.  It was pretty nice in the low 70's yesterday, we got a downpour of rain last night, and woke up to 45°F this morning.  Thankful for the rain, so I can dig up the remaining sweet potatoes (hopefully tomorrow).

Many businesses have closed permanently due to the pandemic shutdowns.  My magazine subscription to Capper's Farmer is now having issues.  They sent an email saying I won't be getting the remainder of my subscription, and they will be sending me Grit for the remaining time.

I have a few more things to can this year. I'm putting off one jelly, because it was technically for Christmas presents.  I may not can it.

I didn't get my ginger root in the dehydrator yesterday, so it's on today's list, but we'll see if I get the time to do it.  There is so much going on right now.  Yikes.  I have several sticky notes with reminders to keep me on track as much as possible.

The stink bugs are back in full force.  It's impossible to hang laundry out and not have a few come in with me.  I'm thinking (gulp!) of using the dryer for big things for a while.


  1. Oh boy, we got stink bugs here is SD too.

  2. Wildflower Adventures, I haven't seen these bugs this bad in years. Urgh.


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