Friday, October 16, 2020

Stocking Up

Stocking up, winter prep, apocalypse prep - sort of all of the above. The weather turned to rain, colder temps and a frost warning. 

I filled my dehydrator with feverfew.  It did exceptionally well this year.  Some of the other herbs did not.  I was hoping for more fresh mullein, but it's not looking good.  

While I was out there, I cut all remaining tops of my zinnias and brought them in to dry good for next winter.

I made a batch of homemade elderberry syrup, and this time with rosehips in it. I will see how long it lasts with just myself and my husband (girls are terrible at a regular daily dose).  I may double it next time.


  1. doing a little stocking myself. Flour and pantry goods in the event of whatever is to come. No hoarding. Stay well Kristina.

  2. Faith, I am doing the same with baking supplies. I am told to prepare for a 2nd lockdown by our idiot Governor. He said he would not commit to saying he'd never shutdown again, and warned people to be careful about making travel plans at Christmas. It's not good all around. I wonder how far they are on the impeachment. The mask thing is really upsetting a lot of folks, when 70% of the people getting the virus wear a mask full time vs. those not wearing one. When a reporter asked him, he never answered the question. Just a round about mumbo jumbo answer back. Stay well!

  3. I make a tea blend with hibiscus flower, raspberry leaf, rosehips, white clover, stevia leaf, and violet leaf. It's a healthy dose of vitamin c and keeps the sniffles down to a minimum. It brews a gorgeous red color and tastes like an apple Kool-Aid. Wonderful hot or cold.

  4. I have been doing a little stocking up myself ready for the Winter as it is the time of year for ferry cancellations.

  5. Thanks Cockeyed Jo, I have everything but the violet leaf. Sounds good too.

  6. mamasmercantile, that's good you are prepping for winter too.


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