Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Shopping Issues and Wins ~ Canning Question


The price of organic butter has skyrocketed.  Sheesh!  As for produce, I still cannot buy organic broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and beets.  I should have planted at least broccoli this year.  Smacking myself for that.  Anyway, I'll be substituting butter with home canned applesauce when I can.

I went to restock canned organic fire roasted tomatoes. There was nothing on the shelf.  In fact, most of anything tomato was almost gone.

I went to Wal-mart to restock my red #3 crochet thread.  Nothing on the shelf.  Meijer stopped carrying thread (nearest store anyway).  I went online and my favorite supplier has it, but on back order (hopefully I will get it next week).

Canning supplies completely gone at our nearest Wal-mart.  not surprised.

Went to the dollar store and found tissues for $1 a box.  Win on that visit.  I also picked up gift bags, bows and boxes to restock.  I also bought a $1 notebook to keep all my medicinal tea recipes in.

I also picked this magazine up for $1.00.  Some recipes are repeats but some are keepers.

I went to purchase a new hair dryer at our Meijer store and there was hardly anything on the shelf.  Literally 3 styles of them left.  

Walking through the baking aisle to pick up powdered sugar, I noticed one bag of regular sugar left, and even though I don't buy boxed cake mixes, I saw that shelf almost empty.  

Are people still hoarding?  Or are the supplies just not available due to all the shutdowns they did?

So I lost my instructions for canning applesauce (unsweetened).  Then while googling other recipes I found it in my scanned recipes.  However, I noticed my instructions do not include lemon juice, others do.  Should I be adding it?  I do mine in 6# batches.  Thanks in advance.  Today I am organizing my binders so I don't lose stuff again.


  1. Canning supplies have been gone for awhile now. :( It does seem like shelves are emptying again. I think folks are taking seriously the threats of increased violence if the election doesn't go a certain way. What times we live in.

    I don't add lemon juice to my home canned applesauce. I follow the directions in Ball Blue Book and it just calls for apples, water, and sugar if desired.

    1. Ditto to what Leigh said. Yes cheaters reply but it has been a jam packed two days.

  2. HI Kristine - certain items are hard to find here too. Canning jars for sure and have you looked at the prices on-line? Insane! Regarding applesauce, it's been a while for me but I am pretty sure I do not add lemon juice but I do pressure can. Have fun with that, sure wish I had time to can anything!

  3. Leigh thanks you for the help on the lemon juice. I didn't think about post election, but I think you are right.

  4. Debby, thank you too. I never added it, but wondered when I saw other recipes. I really don't have time to can it, but need it to restock and if things go back again in this crazy world.

  5. I don't add lemon juice to my canned applesauce. Just the apples, a small amount of sugar, and a bit of water if the apples aren't juicy enough.

    Yes, I think there is more "stocking up" being done on basic supplies because of the "unknown" lurking out there in our society just now.

    Also, the whole manufacturing supply chain has been broken down by the last huge employment lay-off and shut down. Some parts, for instance the manufacturing, have actually been catching up, but the trucking part still can't handle deliveries as usual because of former drivers having taken other jobs. Or factories are actually ready for production but one needed item is still not available.

    Buy that organic butter you have in your area. Here it's $8.99 a pound. I'm using a lot of coconut oil and bacon fat!!!

  6. Mama Pea, thanks for the info and I'll go stock up the butter next trip to town. Wow! I can't believe the price in your area. I've been saving bacon fat.

  7. People have been worried around here in Massachusetts about shortages starting up again so it’s likely it’s that way across the country and people started hoarding again.


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