Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Random Tidbits ~ Question about freezing eggs

I finally had time to bake bread.  I literally messed it up the first time, and had to start over.  Sigh.  I am re-writing this recipe and filing it.  

I spent yesterday sorting all my recipes and sent an SOS to my 21 year old to bring home tab dividers.  Oh boy.  I can't lose another recipe again.

Updates on the cars.  My car is still here, but will be towed tonight to get a new engine.  The other car was delivered yesterday to the same guy for guess what?  A new intake.  Our 21 year old is working long days.  She's working almost 25-30 minutes from home right now (and long hours, which puts doggie daycare on me). We went to pick her up after my husband got home.

Speaking of her, she looked absolutely exhausted from wearing a mask on her all day shift.  Her checks were red, her eyes looked like different and she acted different.  I am so concerned with her wearing a mask that long.  It's horrible to see your kid look and feel that way. Just so you know, she works in a store that not only sells essentials, but furniture too and she is lifting heavy stuff.   

Our youngest daughter moved out, but is living with someone and looking for an apt.  She's going through a rough time and we believe trying to avoid memories with her boyfriend.  I just hope it all works out.

We started to call around to find supplies for the dog fencing.  Most of the stores do not have what we need.  We believe we have one person that can come help put it in if we do find supplies.  I definitely need it right now.  Romeo had the zoomies so bad the other day, he flipped one couch over and then put himself in time out in his kennel (sort of got a chuckle out of that, but man...).

The only reason his kennel was out, was due to company a long time ago and the kennels were not taken down (they are up for people like chimney sweep etc).  I had to laugh though. Although he does look sad or knew he did something he shouldn't have and was sorry ha ha!

Question:  Do you/have you stocked up your eggs by freezing them?  If so, please share details on freezing them.  My littles are laying a lot of little eggs right now.  Yes, I googled it, but zero of my homesteading books have info on this.  Would love your input.


  1. Ya know, that's something (freezing eggs) I really should learn, too. I've always just kept extra eggs in our spare refridge and used them when they were up to three months old (I always date the cartons) and they were fine. That gets me over the period in winter (usually around Christmas when I need extra eggs, of course) when the chickens are molting and not laying much.

  2. Go to this link, she did a post about freezing eggs, just a day or two ago....hope it helps

  3. Regarding freezing eggs, I have an old Rodale book called Stocking Up - two editions of it actually. I photographed the pages and will email them too you. You may be able to find this book in used book stores - great recipes and other useful info.

  4. Mama Pea, I'm really wanting to stock them up somehow. I'm getting a lot right now, although small. S

  5. Thank you Grandma Zee and Debby Flowers! I am looking forward to doing some sort of stocking up on the eggs.

  6. I asked the same question a few weeks ago as I had an abundance of eggs. Apparently it is possible and I have some in the freezer right now but have yet to use them. I have also pickled some using a Hamish recipe.

  7. Romeo is adorable Kristina :) I'm going to follow Grandma Zee's link too, I had to dispose of half a dozen the other day because I didn't use them up and they went bad!

  8. mamasmercantile, I completely forgot about pickling some. Thanks for the reminder.

  9. Rain, I'm also looking into another way as well. I'll post if I find the supplies I need.

  10. I have seen people take eggs and crack one egg per cell of an ice cube tray. Freeze. Take out of ice trays like you would ice cubes. Put frozen egg cubes in ziploc bags. Take out as many as you need at one time and thaw. Cook as you wish except probably sunny side up or over easy but you can try


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