Monday, October 5, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's been very chilly here, so I whipped up a new batch of homemade hot cocoa.

Over the weekend?  Well, I planted 32 more cloves of garlic, just in time before the rain arrived again.

My ladies are laying so well, that my mind was made up to use up some eggs.  Although small yet, they made dinner a hit.

Meals over the weekend.  I enjoyed a grilled cheese with cowboy candy on it, and I made breakfast for dinner, which was greatly enjoyed.

We finally made a trip to the hardware store to pick out a new shower, toilet and paint for the bathroom remodel.  Flooring too.  Next up will be kitchen flooring.  I am so excited to get started on this.  We picked put paint and brought that home, but have to do more measuring for the all of the rest.  We are picking out new flooring for our master bedroom and hallway as well.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather outside is . . .
61°high today, but woke up to 37°F.  We will warm up to the mid 70's this week.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Tired and excited at the same time.  I couldn't sleep, but come this weekend, and we start on the bathroom remodel.

On my mind . . .
I'm hosting an online Pampered chef party.  I hope to get enough sales to earn free stuff for the girls for Christmas.  I love my pampered chef stuff.  I use it daily.  However, their prices on biscuit cutters are a bit high, and I have not found them in stores around here (oddly).  I am working on putting together some baking items to go with the recipe boxes this Christmas.

Saturday, the other car took a poo.  It's being picked up today to be diagnosed.  My car was to get towed tomorrow for an engine, but depending on the other car, one of them will be going to our guy to get fixed.  Dollar signs are flashing past us right now.  We just can't get a break with vehicles this year.

I packed two lunches and one breakfast today.  Daughter can't leave work to get food so I fixed her up as well as my husband.  She got a ride today, but she's working in the opposite direction in another store in another "big city."  Not sure what she'll do tomorrow and as of the time of posting this, the guy hasn't stopped over to look at the car.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Taco Breakfast Casserole. I used leftover taco meat, the last of our cherry tomatoes, some garden green peppers and herb garden green onions. 

On my reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .
The Good Witch

On the menu this week . . .
-Stuffed Bell Pepper Soup, homemade bread
-Slow cooker baked ziti
-Crockpot Bourbon Chicken over wild rice and roasted carrots

From the camera . . .

Last week you could look up at the moon and see Mars not far.  Pretty neat if you ask me.

Looking around the house . . .
I will need to re-arrange some things to make room to pull everything from the kitchen bathroom.  I also have to revise my to do list as well, so I still have time to get some canning done, and work in the garden.  I will need to make a list for Hubby as well, as we need to move a pellet stove out and another smaller one in, cut wood etc.

I bought 4 of these for my utility room cupboards that haven't had knobs since we moved in.  I love them.

New Recipe I tried or want to try last week . . .

A new green tomato cake recipe.  In place of the butter it required, I used home canned applesauce and it was delicious.  

I used Food Networks recipe for the cream cheese frosting recipe to top it with.  My family raved about this one.  Way less butter than Paula Dean's recipe that I have used over the years.  The cake recipe is from AllRecipes.  I used all organic ingredients, my home grown green tomatoes (seeds removed, but not peelings and diced very small).

To relax this week I will . . .
Work on daughter's Christmas present (crochet), make more crocheted parts for "f" bombs, and a few more jar grippers.

On my prayer list . . .
Our youngest daughter, everyone living in our state, for this plan-demic to end, and any special requests.



  1. I enjoyed your HHM post. Your recipes look so good. And your photo was really cool!

  2. You have lots going on! It is such fun to have things remodeled. We did our bathroom last year. Glad when it was over.
    Green tomato cake looks good and so does that icing. miam!
    Will look up the bourgon chicken recipe.
    Have a great week

  3. The taco breakfast casserole looks delicious. Remodeling is always exciting. Cute pulls for the utility room. Hope you have a great week!


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