Sunday, October 25, 2020

Scrap Fabric Cards ~ Red Onions and other Tidbits


Here are the scrap fabric cards I am making.  I made heart ones to gift my Mom.  I'm considering making other ones for a few other people, but gifts won't be exchanged with either side of the family this year.  I may work on them for next Christmas though.  A great way to use up scrap fabric, and I am so blessed for the people who send me their scraps too.  I don't sew a lot, so what I get is a blessing for crafting/gifting.  I have a how-to on my S.C.R.A.P. blogspot too.  Gosh, I just realized I haven't posted anything on there for a good long time.  I just may get something posted soon.

Pinto beans were soaked for soup beans and fried cabbage today.  It was suitable for our current weather.  Brr.

Red onions made their way to the dehydrator.  I sometimes get into a situation during winter when I need red onions and have no vehicle or the weather is too bad to travel to the store.  Who wants to go out for one red onion in winter anyway?  It'll come in handy.

I went out to see what I could pull from the garden on Saturday and ended up bringing in (oh my heart sings) a bit of chard and collards.  I got those blanched and in the freezer.

I pulled the last of the green pepper plants and found this out there.

We sent our  21 year old to the store for a few items.  Not long after she called.  The brake line went out in her car.  My husband drove there, they switched vehicles and he drove it home.  She was too frazzled to shop, so she returned home too. No word on my car being done either.  First thing to do today is fix her car, then we start on outdoor work.

Later, she took the truck to the store and brought me this home.  It is so cute.  It lights up and blinks.  It was $2 at the Dollar General.  It's a small decoration and adorable.


  1. I've stopped soaking any of our dried beans lately and use the Instant Pot pressure cooker. In less than 45 minutes, depending on the bean, voila, you have your beans. Between that and the crockpot, it has made my days a little easier.

    Your Christmas decorations are cute. Might have to venture out to Dollar General soon before they're all gone!

    Have a great week Lady.

  2. Thanks Mother Em. I don't have an instant pot, but have considered buying an air fryer. I didn't get one free with my free stuff during my online pampered chef party because I thought they were over priced and got other stuff. My daughter can buy one with her discount, so I'm waiting for a sale for that.

  3. It's always so sad to see the last offerings of the summer garden.

    Is that parchment paper under your onions? I need to do something similar, I think. I've been dehydrating celery, lately, but some of the pieces are so small they fall through the dryer sheets.

    Little truck ornament is very cute!

  4. Leigh, yes, I use it for anything chopped small enough to possible fall through the racks. Works great.


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