Saturday, October 24, 2020

Random Tidbits ~ New Christmas Tree Ornaments (Kitchen) ~ Scrap Fabric Cards

Has anyone else had problems with the font on their blog changing to a different size after you post it?  I sometimes catch it prior to posting, but I noticed it is happening again. I don't think they have all the "bugs" worked out of this new format.

I bought these new ornaments for our kitchen Christmas tree!  Aren't they adorable?  I love them!  And no, I have not put up anything else for Christmas.  I've been too busy ha ha!

Youngest had a day off work, so we carpooled to the "Big City" and I picked up some more items I needed.  I stocked up on dried fruits too, just in case our state gets shut down again.  I needed them for winter prep anyway.

Cold weather is here to stay I think.  Yesterday high of 77 degrees and today woke up to 42 with a high of 47 and now we dip to the 30's at night his coming week. Time to put porch furniture in storage and get back to splitting wood.


  1. No doubt about it, cold weather is HERE to stay! We haven't had a daytime temp rise above the mid-30s for a couple of weeks. No snow, so far, but up to 6" not far from us. We've just had bone-chilling dampness and dreariness. Once the leaves are gone (and all of ours are), I'm ready for snow to make our scenery look cozier!

  2. Mama Pea it went from 77 to 45 degrees in one night here, like it just saw a state trooper, ha ha! Yep. I better get on the other jobs before our snow starts falling.

  3. I just popped over from Crochet by the Sea. I also have trouble with the font changing and am at a loss what to do about it.
    I like your cute ornaments which are perfect for a kitchen tree! Keep cozy ( and safe). GM

  4. I have noticed the size of the fonts changing when blogging. I have to preview & preview to watch for that. Cold here in SD & snow.

  5. Thanks Granny, and Wildflower and Cockeyed Jo. My font continues to save one size font and publish another. So frustrating.


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