Monday, October 26, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Woke up to 40 degrees Sunday morning.  Just a hair warmer than Saturday.  

Whelp, one hen flew out of the fence yesterday.  Guess it's time to re-clip wings.  I have never had this problem, so when we get it moved, a permanent fencing with a top fenced cover will be built.

Last nights dinner.  Perfect for a pretty cold day.  We never got up to the 50's.  Soup beans, fried cabbage with bacon and cornbread.  I had a ham bone in the freezer from my numerous attempts at a grad party this year, and put it to use.

Red onions left the dehydrator and shallots made their way in.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .

Rain.  I woke up to rain.  Again.  No work outside, and as we planned to split wood tonight.  Making plans has been exhausting.  48/37 degrees (now I cannot use symbols on this blog for some reason, tried to use the degree symbol the last few days and it goes directly to google page)

How I am feeling this morning . . .

Frustrated.  My husband was still working on the car, so I turned the TV on and the news was on.  I stopped watching the news and what a mistake that was.  

On my mind . . .

Yesterday is on my mind.  Oh man. If anything could go wrong it did.  So, my husband started on repairing the brake line early morning.  It was plum dark out when he finally finished.  From parts sold to him in metric and numerous trips back to the parts store, and problems with the repair, to not having another vehicle (at first) to even go get the parts...the day was overly a headache.  I'm praying today is not that sort of day.  Her car is fixed by the way. word on my car. Oh, and some tools he needed were in my car.  He sent text messages out for tools and no one responded.  We never got any wood split either due to the car repair.

I recently read about how Mercury is in retrograde, and I'm not really into Astrology.  If you get a chance read the article at the Almanac site.  Sure fits the bill why nothing is going as "planned."

On the breakfast plate . . .

Leftover blueberry pancakes, sausage and coffee

Right now I am . . .

Getting this post typed up to publish. I'm also cooking breakfast sausage and bacon for our "go to" breakfast for the next few days.

On my reading pile . . .

Nothing.  I am looking at buying some right now online.  With my car (still) at the repair guy, I have not been able to utilize our library.  Using it is frustrating this year anyway.

On today's to-do list . . .

-drain new bottle of homemade vanilla extract

-place a few online orders

-clean master bath and vacuum master bedroom

-try a new snack recipe

-make more Kamut bars (the girls loved them and asked for more).

And if all plans go wonky, I will simply turn on the cooking channel and crochet.  And put pj's on no matter the time.

On my TV . . .

Back to watching Good Witch

From my camera . . .

Nothing sadly.

Looking around the house . . .

The dogs can really turn up a rug around here.  Sigh.  I think I will light a few candles today.  It's dreary out and it will perk me up.

To relax this week I will . . .

Crochet.  I have a new item.  I'll be posting a handiwork post soon.

On the menu . . .

-Fried chicken, crockpot glazed carrots, mashed potatoes

-Crockpot meatballs/sauce, quinoa, smashed sweet potatoes

-Crockpot pork chops/mushroom sauce, veggie rice, roasted asparagus

-Salmon patties, BBQ crockpot green beans,  sheet pan sweet potato hash

In no particular order, and I may change it depending on supplies and time.

 Something I want to share . . .

On my prayer list . . .

Our state right now.  The country as election is arriving.  There is so much fake news from the media and certain sources to try and disrupt the election.  Us.  Lots of stuff on the "plate" right now.  Dad's upcoming surgery (he has no cancer though, which is good).


  1. Will be thinking of your dad.
    Like the nice tea recipe. Hope your car gets fixed soon.
    Have a great week. Think I'll light a candle too :)

  2. Glad your dad is cancer free. Hard to stay motivated on dreary days. Hope you have a much better day (and week) ahead!

  3. I don't think I'll be watching the news ever again. They create TOO MUCH or blow things out of portion these days. Walter Cronkite must be rolling over in his grave. "That's the way it wasn't..."

  4. Cockeyed Jo, the news isn't even the news anymore. So sad our world has come to this.


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