Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Homemaker Monday

Sunday I was a bit overwhelmed with a to-do list, but maintained it.  First, chili was put in the crockpot, second green tomatoes diced for another green tomato cake, and third, I dug up one sweet potato plant for a look-see.

Here is what I got.  Well, not all of them.  First ones were somewhat small, but was tickled pink to dig up these huge ones.  First 3 plants gave us 3.15#.  Can't wait to dig the rest.  It may rain tonight, so I may wait for a rain for easier digging, but so happy.  I was worried.  I am doubtful on the beets.  I have yet to dig the remaining row, as well as the carrots.

The list continued for the day, and since I only got a teensy bit of crochet time, I wrote that in as well.  I needed some down time.

This year will be the first year for me to not participate in any craft vendor show.  So far I haven't heard if the one we actually participate in is canceled yet.  I will continue to sell via online by my blog (and now social media) and word of mouth.

I made another green tomato cake.  This time I sliced the tomatoes, removed the seeds, and chopped them in my food processor in half batches.  Worked great.

I bought myself a new tea infuser.  It was much cheaper than the replacing the one I have.  I hope to try it out today.  Paid $3.49 for it.

Unfortunately, our turnip harvest is not good.  They are all small.  We got zero parsnips.  I need to put them in grow pots or raised beds next year.

Today I am joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.

The weather . . .
78°F/44°F.  Sunny.

How I am feeling this morning . . .
Tired.  My husband is working the midnight shift, then working straight through first shift, coming home to eat, sleep and do it all again.  I would have actually slept in longer this morning, had Romeo not woken me up.  I have been sleeping terrible with this schedule, but today is the last hopefully, and back to first shift.

On my mind . . .
I haven't journaled this entire pandemic.  Maybe there is a reason for that (or not).  I am digging out my main journal today and writing.  I haven't done any writing in a long time and National Novel Writing Month is just around the corner.  By the way, one year I wrote a story that was similar to what we are actually going through right now (crazy as that sounds).  I plan to dig it out, print it out and read it soon.

On the breakfast plate . . .

Sweet potato/zucchini/spinach/egg burritos and coffee.

On the reading pile . . .

On the TV . . .
Away, on Netflix.

On the menu . . .
-Oven baked mac n' cheese, crockpot glazed root veggies
-Turkey/zucchini meatballs with home canned hot pepper mustard sauce over quinoa, garden green beans

On the to-do list. . .
-dig some turnips
-dehydrate ginger root
-drain last rain barrel and flip over for winter
-spray paint clipboards one more time
-call Home Depot
-start winterizing the front porch
-hand write a recipe on a recipe card to avoid losing it again
-muck chicken coop

On the camera . . .

We are so blessed to have so much vibrant fall colors on our property.  Our oak tree is turning orange for the first time.  These pictures don't even show the entire property and it is just beautiful out there right now.

Looking around the house . . .
I spent hours yesterday tidying up my kitchen, so I'm less stressed about any cleaning today.  So thankful for a slower Monday.

To relax this week I will . . .
Read, write, or crochet.  Or even work on Christmas ornaments that will gifted in 2021 most likely.

On my prayer list . . .
The owner of the salon where Youngest did her internship (she was exposed to Covid by someone, and tested positive and now in the hospital, and is elderly), Youngest (still grieving), and any personal requests.


  1. You've had a pretty good harvest :) Those sweet potatoes are huge.

    My spring garden is almost completely done, though my tomato plants have gone insane and are still producing dozens of tomatoes. Never had one go this long.

    I have never tried green tomato cake, hmmmm I may need to do since I do have so many tomatoes around.

    Hope you have a blessed week.

  2. Thanks Sandra, I also like Paula Dean's Green tomato cake, but it uses a lot more butter and butter prices went up in our area. Glad you are still getting tomatoes.

  3. Love seeing all your fall photos. So pretty! Hope you are having a great week so far.

  4. I love the oak trees when the leaves turn copper. Of course the maple trees with the vibrant yellow oranges and red. we are having rain and wind this week, I'm thinking not much will be left next week. I would love for the Fall colors to last at least a whole month.
    Seems like you had a good harvest with the garden.
    I had started journaling during the pandemic, but then I got sick and since I'm still recovering (doing good now) I haven't felt like journaling it anymore. It just seems to go on and on and on.
    I finished my Christmas ornaments gifts yesterday! I will put a picture up next HHM.
    Enjoy your week

  5. Luludou, I think that's why I had no interest in my journal. It just goes on and on. Glad you are feeling better. Can't wait to see your Christmas ornaments.


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