Thursday, October 8, 2020

Yarn Shopping ~ Applesauce and other tidbits

I've been on a mission to restock a specific crochet thread color and size.  Every store is out.  I even checked the Hobby Lobby where one daughter was working the other day - sold out.  Supply and demand is definitely a problem with not only food/essentials, but with yarn.  I placed my order, despite the cost of shipping.

Don't try to buy a car either. The prices are jacked so high right now.  We decided to fix both cars and sell one to our 21 year-old at an affordable rate, so she has a car to get to work.  I just hope repairs are not too expensive, but glad they are finally getting done (of course the second car was a surprise).  In the end we'll each have a fully working vehicle.

We got word yesterday that the first car we took in needs a new intake (which we knew).  We asked if he would put a new window regulator in one door and check a few other things.  I am praying it's not expensive and it's done tonight so my husband doesn't have to keep taking the Harley to work (it's a bit frigid this morning).

Applesauce was finally canned, but I will need to do it again soon.  Thanks for all your help with my question about lemon juice.  I am so glad I lost the instructions, because it forced me to sort and organize my binder better and toss some recipes.  I actually got 9 pints, but only 7 fit in the canner and I didn't want to water bath just 2 so those went in the fridge to enjoy for meals and hubby is taking one to work to keep there to enjoy with his lunch.

I've retired the canner pot for a short bit.  I have to see if we have any good size beets out in the garden.  That's today's job, other than to finish up the mound of dirty dishes I've created.  I'll be posting the Bourbon Chicken recipe tomorrow (hopefully).

1 comment:

  1. Our apples, all our home grown fruits, were about a month late in ripening due to the cockeyed weather. I just finished our apples.


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