Friday, October 23, 2020

Tiger ~ Broccoli ~ New Cookbook

 Little story about Tiger the cat....

He sleeps all day, alone, in the utility room.  He's not been happy with the 2 dogs, rabbit and cat that moved back in last March.  He always looks sad and lonely. 

Lately, I've been taking him into our bedroom and he soaks up the love, massages my arm to thank me, and is in pure joy.  Of course I have to let him out before I retire for the night, but he has really been getting some one on one touchy lovey time.

Yesterday, I opened it to head to the kitchen and start working in there.  That little stinker flew in the bedroom like he owned the place.  He went right under the bed of all places.  Later one daughter, and myself, tried to find him.  No cat to be seen and not anywhere in the house.  I was stumped.

Then later....

I noticed a lump under the bed quilt.  Ha ha ha!  He crawled under there and got his little cozy spot, so I left him there, and just kept checking the bedroom.  Poor guy just needed some attention and love.

I finally found organic broccoli, so that was blanched and put in the freezer.  I cannot find organic cauliflower, so I may be changing my tune in how big the garden is next year.  Something else I cannot find on shelves (or online where I typically get other items), is organic pumpkin puree.  I will most likely plant pumpkins next year too.

I strained a tincture, and have two more to strain today for winter prep for medicinals.  I need to strain a jar of homemade vanilla extract as well today.

I bought myself a early Christmas present.  I have yet to look all through it, but a looking forward to this cookbook.  I pre-ordered it, and I'm glad I did.  People ordering it now are having to wait 2-3 months to get their order.

Yesterday we warmed up to 77 degrees.  Later today, we are to get rain again.  I have yet to get to the garden to finish getting it ready it for winter.  Our weather will go cold again after this.  There is much to do yet to prep for winter.

I'm contemplating a new Christmas Eve tradition in our home this year.  It's just 4 of us, so it wouldn't be that expensive.  I may do it a bit different than the idea was presented, but still a good idea.  I'll be sharing later if I do.


  1. What a great story about Tiger! You are so right that they all need a little love. Our best hunter is pretty self-sufficient, but she has her moments when she absolutely demands attention! We can't get away from her unless we comply.

    The cookbook sounds really interesting. What an amazing demand! It must be good.

  2. Leigh, Tiger stayed that way until about 3:30pm. He was so happy. I can't wait to look at the recipes in the book. One I want to try today, but time will tell.

  3. Our garden too, is waiting to finish being prepared for winter. Today in Missouri we have rain and getting colder by the minute. We picked up our beef two days ago--freezers are full. Remaining from the garden to be taken care of---bell peppers. I have about 20 to stuff and freeze. Probably have 10-12 to cut up in pieces and freeze individually and then put in freezer bag to be used all winter in cooking. Picked the rest of the jalapenos yesterday. Don't know if I will pickle them or make cowboy candy. Then it's all done for the season! We have put up a lot this year. AND, I want to thank you for your blog, because you have definitely inspired me on days that I did not want to can one more time, but I would read your blog and see you were taking care of your garden "stuff". So, thank you!

  4. I stopped listening to DeWine months ago. Amy was a mess. Gov DeWine flip flops, and contradicts himself. He lost credibility. Millers is lovely isn't it. Such a nice shopping experience. Enjoy the heat wave we are having, is this our Indian Summer?

  5. Cindy, it's raining a lot lately here. I froze many of my jalapenos, made 3 batches of cowboy candy, and already have a new idea for next year - jalapeno infused vodka for Bloody Mary's. I'm so glad I can inspire you. Even with this crazy world we live in right now.

  6. Faith, the warmer weather has surely woken up the bugs. So many wasps, bees and those nasty stink bugs. Yeah, Dewine doesn't even answer reporter's questions. He just mumbo jumbos around them. I do not trust him.

  7. Critters are so funny. You have your very own foot warmer :-)
    Also, will be curious to hear/read what you are up to for Christmas.

  8. Thank you Lady Locust. I never thought about him being a foot warmer, but now I'll need that as the weather changed. He loves being in there with us.


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