Sunday, October 11, 2020


I literally have nothing to blog today.  I was so busy yesterday though, and we got one car picked up and paid for (this guy repairs from his home and does an awesome job on "big" jobs). 

However, there is no room in his driveway to tow my car over for the new engine.  Story of my life.  I'm told Monday or Tuesday we can bring it over.

In the meantime, our 21 year-old is happy now that she has her "own" car now.  We are all tickled pink that our 18 year-old is back home.  Her job is keeping her busy and she is doing very well at the hair salon.  Her dog is so happy too, that we sent her flowers to her work and asked that the card read, "Thank you for coming back home Mommy,"  signed Romeo.  

Romeo was so excited that he was zooming from room to room and could not sleep the first night she was here. 

Anyway, we had a very long but productive day I guess.  First, even though my husband is working nights, we drove an hour to a city to do firearms shopping (just being prepared for whatever happens after election, you just never know in this messed up world we now live in).  We've already had our mailbox (with a USA flag on it) bashed in and our USA flag on our house beat down so bad, the flag holder screws were ripped out.  A flag was set on fire in a close town, that was on their house and could have set the house on fire.

So, while we were shopping, I could not believe all the stores that were all in this city.  I mean they have it all.  Like a Hobby Lobby with a JoAnn's, Lowe's, Menards, Wal-mart, they were super busy and I thought, "man this is the place to get everything you need in one trip."  Too bad it's an hour drive.  

I convinced my husband to stop at either craft store to look for my yarn and lavender netting.  I found neither one.  I came home with 10 yards of teal netting though.

After returning, we drove to pick up the last of our daughter's belongings and retired for the night.  It's a good thing I did not let the chickens out while we were gone all day as well.  I watched an eagle fly right over the house.  I haven't seen one around here in a few years.  However, I did see a coyote around 4pm last Wednesday.  I'm told they will circle around and be back in a few weeks, and to watch for them.  This however was a lone coyote.

Did you know that coyotes will increase their day time hunting as the weather gets colder?  Probably why I saw it at 4pm.  

On a good note, I found out the our 21 year-old is back to working in the store she was hired in this next week.  She's been helping out in another city the last two weeks.  Oh, and I'm told that her store put in a bid to buy a larger (our old Hobby Lobby that went out of business) store to move to.  If they do, I sent them a request to start selling yarn since there is no good source in that town anymore. Crossing my fingers, but you never know.

I haven't been out in the garden lately.  I'm waiting for a round of rain to come down, to make digging easier.  We'll see if we do get the predicted rain or not come Monday.


  1. My gosh - where do you people live? I know you don't want to say what town or city, but what state? I hope you're not in my state of MN. Ranee

  2. HI Christina - have to admit I am quite astounded by what happened to your USA flags. Honestly, I believe that would not happen here. We have so many veterans, so many flags, lots of veteran's memorials right in peoples' yards. To my knowledge, there is no anti-America activity at all - we are a very patriotic area here- actually in all of Minnesota despite what happened in Minneapolis.

    We have many eagles here, hawks and owls too. It is not uncommon at all to see eagles feasting on road kill by the highway. I have had no trouble with them - this might be attributed to always having a rooster with an eye on the sky and perhaps my dog being outside although he is confined to a fenced area.

    Take care!

  3. I am so thrilled for you that your daughter has moved back home. Nice too that you seem to have the cars sorted, that must have been a worry for you.

  4. Rae, we live in the country, but off of a country two lane highway. If we ever move, it will be way off the roadway next time.

  5. Debby, there are a lot of young punks in our surrounding areas that have nothing better to do I guess. We are working on a dog fence, but getting the wooden posts for it is an issue right now. We are hoping to get it done so the dogs can be out with me, and safely.

  6. Thanks mamasmercantile. If all goes well Monday my car goes in for the new engine.

  7. For a I got "Nothin'" blog you managed to fill the blog space. LOL What is it about writers, me included, they'll take a "I got nothing" and make it into something when they just start writing. For me when I do that, I'll come up with ideas for several future posts too because I often digress from the topic at hand.

    I need a car repair guy like that here. I know no one. The brakes went out on our car this week. We were only stopping for a red light on a busy 4-laner when the brake pedal pushed to the floor and didn't stop. Eek!

  8. What the heck is going on over there with politics? Sounds like Quebec when I used to live there during the elections where they wanted to split from happy to be out of that mess. Stay safe Kristina.

  9. Rain, people have lost their minds in the US all because of an election year. Trying to destroy America.

  10. Cockeyed Jo, my husband usually does all the car repairs, but with his hectic schedule he is having our repair guy do the big jobs this week.


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