Saturday, October 10, 2020

This and That


It was time to re-stock my celery cubes for winter.  I really like this better than dehydrating.  I just dice and add some water and freeze.  Store in air tight containers.

I finally got to town again, due to one daughter being home with the truck.  We hightailed it to town and restocked butter and a few other items.  I was able to save $.85 on one of the boxes and thankful for that.  I brought home 4# because I noticed the other organic butter went up to $6.99.  I may go back and get 4 more if I have room in the freezer.  It's filling up fast now that it's the end of the garden season.

I had grand plans to buy myself fresh flowers, and totally forgot.  Sigh . I just wanted to do something nice for myself.  I hope to remember next chance I get. 

I mixed up the menu for the week.  A few days ago I made crock pot taco soup using leftover taco meat, opened jar of home canned taco sauce, opened a jar of home canned tomato sauce etc.  It was so good, my husband said write that one down and make it again.  So good.

So glad for the weekend.  Hubby has taken the Harley to work for the last 3 days due to both cars in repair.  Buying chaps was well worth it.  I'm a pro and getting them on him now too.

Good news!  The car is ready to be picked up today.  It's the car we are selling to our 21 year-old.  We will be finally (and I say finally, as my car has been on a jack since the beginning if the pandemic) going to be towing my car over for a new engine.  I never thought I would see this day coming.

Another happy moment for me as a Mother....youngest moved back in last night.  Romeo is so, so happy, not to mention Tiger.  Now.  Just maybe now, I can sleep all night.  I'm up at 4:30am and can't really do much until the sun rises.

However, my husband is working forced overtime.  He went to work first shift yesterday, came home and took and nap, and worked midnight, so he'll be home later this morning.  He'll sleep and work midnight again and work 2 shifts Sunday.  So.  I probably won't get much sleep.

On a sad note, my hometown has canceled the Holiday Parade with Santa Claus.  They are allowing contact sports to be played, but canceled the parade?  Such a sad, sad year for sure.  Nothing makes sense anymore.


  1. Thanks for the tip on celery cubes! What a great way to preserve! Congrats on your youngest coming home and on getting the car fixed! Yes, it is definitely a sad year and nothing makes sense anymore. Blessings for a great weekend!

  2. Sorry I’ve been missing but I took a bad fall and Had to call 911 to be rushed to the hospital and am having to do everything from my iPhone which I don’t like much
    I pray everyone uses good sense during the holidays. Better to skip one and enjoy it more next year than to have it and have to bury a loved one
    God bless you all

  3. Rebecca, the celery cubes come in very handy for soups, stews, meals etc of all kinds over the winter.

  4. RB, I'm seriously considering booking a cabin for Christmas for just our family, but the chance of bad weather has me contemplating. Most cabins are in the hills, so if the snow flies we'd have to cancel of roads got bad. I am thinking it'll be here this year, but I'm okay with that too.

  5. Why don't you can your celery? That's what I do. My freezer is too full to put another package of vegetables in it. Bought 1/2 a cow and pig last week so I'm up to my elbows with sausage making and curing bacon.

    I took a couple pf wheels of cheddar and gouda I made, and put them in the smoker. 6 hours of cool apple wood smoke...Yum! Looking like next week will be cool enough to smoke the bacon with pecan wood.

  6. Great tip on the celery cubes. So sorry to hear about the cancelled parade, I think this is a sign of things to come but I suppose better to be safe than sorry.

  7. Cockeyed Jo, I never thought to can my celery. Does that require pressure canning? Or water bath? Thanks for the idea.

  8. mamasmercantile, my main hometown is a huge college town, so with all the college kids back the Governor is random testing students and the numbers are going so high. I try to stay home.


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