Thursday, September 3, 2020

Rain ~ Tomato Sauce

It thankfully rained for a bit the other day.  So happy to see that.

I canned tomato sauce.  Beautiful 6 1/2 pints, but realized I dag'gon forgot the lemon juice.  I wasted 7 hard to find lids, opened the jars and froze it in freezer bags. least I got the tomato sauce made this year.  Woohoo to that.


  1. Thankfully you remembered that you had forgotten the lemon juice. Hurrah to having some sauce to freeze.

  2. I feel your pain. I did the exact same thing. So frustrating! Why can't that lemon juice get in there on it's own?!?!?

  3. HI Kristine - beautiful jars of sauce. You know, I never put lemon juice in mine.

  4. mamasmercantile, I was water bathing them when I realized it. Ugh.

  5. RockPilesAndCaterpillers, I put a sticky note up above my stove and I'll keep it there until canning season is over. Sigh.

  6. Debby, in all my research on it, if you pressure can you don't need it, but if you water bath it, it can go bad. I guess I wasn't taking that chance.

  7. Ah, you know it's been so long since I've canned, a couple of years at least. I usually pressure can.

  8. I don't start my tomato sauce until we light the wood stove for heat. After harvesting bushels of tomatoes. wash, core, and stick them in 2-gallon bags. I'll put them in the freezer until then. This way my wood stove does double duty it cooks my sauce as it heats my house.


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