Friday, September 4, 2020

Mental Health Day

Yesterday I took a much needed mental health day.  My 21 year old and I went on an adventure visiting two towns and local shopping.  I did some antique shopping too.

We went to Wal-mart so she could pick out yarn for a Christmas present she asked me to make.  I went to the canning section just to see (but knew well it's be empty).

This smells amazing!

Although I didn't find may towels, I found a few tablecloths to use and even a Christmas one.

Today I have another date with tomatoes, which I am happy about.  The cucumber plants and squash plants are starting to die off and the yellow squash either didn't produce or gave us only a few sadly.


  1. Wow! Am impressed by your tablecloth finds. And a rooster mug or creamer? It looks perfect with them 🐔

  2. Lady Locust the rooster is a creamer and pottery made in Italy. Love it!

  3. The Walmart around here is the same story, no canning stuff and I checked with several other stores around here and they don't have anything either. You got some lovely towels!! Sounds like a great book.

  4. I’m glad you had some time out. I need an afternoon out in the worst way.

  5. Love the tablecloth finds, so very pretty.


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