Saturday, September 5, 2020

Bell Peppers ~ BBQ Sauce ~ Sunrise

The bell peppers are one thing that is doing well in the garden as well as the tomatoes.  I was able to do a half batch of stuffed peppers and got them in the freezer.  

A few were used to can BBQ sauce yesterday.

I caught a few beautiful photos just before the sun came up the other day.

The dogs were barking about 3pm while I was reducing the BBQ sauce.  Guess what?  Another raccoon.  I got the ladies in safe, but lost sight of the dang raccoon.  Sigh.  It's definitely been a rough year.


  1. We had a bunch of raccoons that set up housing under our shed, nothing I tried got rid of them until we hired a pest control guy and then sealed up the hollowed area. Afterwards we hung rags doused with ammonia around the shed, and we’d refresh them every week or so to keep more animals away

  2. Beautiful sky photos. Sorry to read about the raccoon, not good. Good job with the peppers, we had to buy ours for the freezer this year.

  3. Your green peppers looks wonderful. I did not have any peppers planted this year but next year I will have some hopefully. Beautiful skies in those photos.


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