Thursday, September 10, 2020

Lemony Tomato-Basil Soup

My sauce maker is in full swing right now.  I restocked our tomato soup.  It's so good too.  The photo makes the jars look weird, but it's just that I took the photo when it was dark out.  The recipe is in the Better Homes and Gardens Special Interest Publications - Canning, Preserving+Freezing and drying issue.


  1. I love tomato soup, thought I've never made any. Looks delicious!

  2. Looks wonderful and so warming. I like eating tomato soup with either a little dab of sour cream or cream cheese stirred in. That's yummy too.
    Have you started any new needlework projects? Do you feel Fall coming on up there? Have you done any Leaf Peepin' or is it too early yet? It's a bit to early for Leaf Peepin' here, but maybe next month.
    The fires in California and Oregon have been heavy on my heart tonight. Been praying for the firefighters, those fleeing, those who have lost everything, those who lost their lives and the wildlife and farm animals too. It's just terrible. Lord please bring them what they need, be it rain or snow or more help, in Christ Jesus name. AMEN!!!
    Have a great week, and a safe one too.
    God bless you.


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